How To Name The Mouse

How To Name The Mouse
How To Name The Mouse

Table of contents:


To choose a name for your mouse, you need to do the following: buy a mouse, find a cage for it, find out the sex of the animal, find or come up with a nickname for it. The name for the mouse is more funny than the usual, similar to a human.

How to name the mouse
How to name the mouse

It is necessary

  • - mouse;
  • - mouse cage;
  • - dry leaves;
  • - food for the mouse.


Step 1

Often people treat their animals like children, take good care of them, choose names for them. It is easier for cats and dogs to choose a nickname, as you can overhear from a neighbor. And if it's a mouse !? If you want to buy such an interesting and cute animal and choose a name for it, then you must follow these instructions.

Step 2

First of all, you need to buy a mouse. This can be done at a pet store or market. For example, in Moscow, this can be done at the Bird Market, in pet stores at Bardina Street, Leninsky Prospect, Profsoyuznaya Street, on Taganka, in stores at the intersection of Leninsky and Lomonosovsky Prospekt. By the way, you can buy a mouse in online stores without any problems.

Step 3

Choose and buy a house for this fluffy. This can be done at the same pet stores.

Step 4

Decide on the sex of your pet. People who have not encountered this before will find it difficult to cope with this task. You can try to determine the sex, following these tips: males do not have nipples, examine the distance between the anus and the urinary opening - in males this distance is greater than in females.

Step 5

You need to choose a name for your new friend. You can call the usual names of people: Katya, Masha, Sveta, Cyril, etc. But it is better to come up with an original one that will emphasize the peculiarity of your pet. This can be done by looking at special literature or found on forums on the Internet. For example, women's names: Pear, Yolka, Judith, Kika, Clodia, Lyalya, Mari, Tove, Button, Makhrutka, Manka, Musya, Dosya, Chinshila. And here are some ideas for males: Iliko, Louis, Maramul, Nyr, Sandro, Philly, Chile, Chumik, Cheese, Vasek, Mickey, Mykh, Ratatouille, Rats, Cupcake.
