What Does A Mouse Eat

What Does A Mouse Eat
What Does A Mouse Eat

There are different types of mice: wild voles and forest voles, domestic and decorative ones. The scale of social harm and the style of their eating differ somewhat. However, what the home mouse eats is immediately apparent.

What does a mouse eat
What does a mouse eat

The mice are wild

Untamed mouse creatures are divided into two main types - forest and field. Where they live, there is no need to explain. The diet of these rodents consists of young tree shoots, green bark, and fruits. In favorable breeding years, these mice become a real disaster for forestry and horticultural industries. Grain crops such as wheat, rye and corn are severely affected - mice destroy both ripe grain and green shoots. In lean years, wild rodents begin to adapt to residential buildings.

House mice

Under this deceptive name lies not a beloved pet with an affectionate nickname, but a very real source of female squeals and garbage. By their nature, these mice feed on juicy parts of plants and their seeds. Their domestic activities can be justified, rather, by the desire to harm, than by the instinct of prey. Often the appearance of rodents in the house is marked by spoiled furniture, gnawed books. A peculiar smell appears, gaps are found in bags and packages, thin walls of the cabinet. Do not eat - so spoil. The mice eat grain, cereals, bread and, of course, cheese. Will spoil other dairy products, meat. A house rodent may well choose a houseplant for a meal.

Decorative mice

These peace-loving animals are sold in any pet store in fairly large quantities - up to 8 mice per cage. This type of pets is unpretentious in food. You can purchase a special grain-vitamin complex, which is the main element of the rodent's nutrition. From time to time, store food should be diluted with fresh vegetables and fruits: apples, zucchini, cabbage, carrots. It is good if they are mixed with some kind of cereal. In the spring, it is advisable to add to the usual diet young shoots of a fruit tree, green bark, dandelion leaves, plantain and lettuce. 90% decorative mice are, of course, vegetarians. But once or twice a month, the rodent should be offered low-fat cheese, cottage cheese, or even a small piece of chicken meat boiled without salt.

From street to house

Mice that are caught, so to speak, in an open field may not feed at all. Under the influence of stress, they will refuse food and water and will die, literally, from starvation. So the "domesticated" mice eat, first of all, at will. To awaken it, the mice should be offered food that it ate in nature - plant shoots, young bark for the forest, and fresh grain for the field. You should gradually switch to store grain complexes and cereals.

When the mouse refuses to eat for more than a day, it is allowed to use violence. Syringe feed with liquid vegetable or grain gruel. After several such sessions, the animal will begin to feed on its own again.
