How To Keep The Mouse

How To Keep The Mouse
How To Keep The Mouse

Table of contents:


Decorative mice are increasingly found in apartments as pets. They are funny animals. They are active, play well, move. Many mice have their own character. You can take them in your hands … There are many types of decorative mice, but the care for all is about the same.

How to keep the mouse
How to keep the mouse

It is necessary

  • - wire cage for rodents with a high base or aquarium;
  • - lamps;
  • - room thermometer and hygrometer;
  • - sawdust;
  • - toys for mice;
  • - drinker and feeders;
  • - specialized food for rodents.


Step 1

Taking care of your mice is pretty simple. The main disadvantage is a strong specific smell. Thorough and regular cleaning will get rid of this shortcoming.

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Step 2

Mice live well in glass aquariums or ordinary wire cages. The main condition is a suitable temperature and humidity. Try to avoid sudden changes in temperature. Maintain humidity at 50-60% and temperature at 20 degrees. Mice can tolerate colder temperatures. Moreover, they will be larger and with thicker hair. High temperature affects the condition of mice negatively, rodents become smaller, their hair becomes less frequent and weaker.

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Step 3

The room in which the mice are kept must be well ventilated, do not allow the air to stagnate. This is especially true of keeping mice in glass containers, such as a large aquarium. Avoid drafts. Please note that a large colony of animals creates a special microclimate, with higher temperature and humidity. Monitor these indicators especially carefully. Thermoregulation of the mouse's body is imperfect, therefore extreme heat or excessive cold can lead to the death of your pet.

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Step 4

Mice prefer keeping in good lighting. The light of ordinary lamps can completely replace the sun. Do not expose the mouse cage to direct sunlight.

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Step 5

Be sure to install a house inside the cage in which the animals will sleep. In addition, to make your mice move actively, set several levels inside the cage, ladders, a wheel in which mice can run, you can install a thick branch on which rodents climb with pleasure. Pet stores usually sell ready-made rodent cages with all the necessary accessories.

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Step 6

Clean the cage daily. Remove debris, droppings and food debris from the pallets. Change the water. Wash the drinker and feeders once every three to four days. Spring cleaning the cage once a week. This will help you keep your pets from contracting infectious diseases.

During general cleaning, transfer the mice to a temporary shelter. Completely remove the bedding from the cage, remove and wash all accessories with disinfectant, thoroughly rinse the walls and rods of the cage. After using disinfectant, rinse everything with clean water and let dry well for one to two hours. After that, put the accessories back in place, lay down fresh bedding and put the mice back in place.

It is preferable to use sawdust as a bedding, or special rugs made of foam material, such rugs can be bought at a pet store.

Step 7

For food, use special rodent mixes available at pet stores. They contain all the necessary set of trace elements, nutrients and vitamins necessary for the normal life of your pet. Vegetables, fruits can only be given as an additional treat. There is no need for such complementary foods.
