Guinea pigs are very cute animals, rather large in size, which attracts the attention of people. It doesn't matter if she is fluffy or not, the character does not depend on it. Some of them are real personalities and do not want to contact a person, but you can tame them. The main thing is not to stick your finger between the rods of the cage until the animal begins to perceive you as a friend.

Step 1
If you find right after the purchase that the guinea pig is not very friendly to you, do not touch it. The teeth of these animals are very sharp. Make contact from afar. At first, talk to her a lot and kindly, but let her be in the cage at this time. Over time, the animal will begin to show interest in its owner: here you need to move on to more decisive actions.

Step 2
Hand feed your pig as soon as she begins to treat you favorably. Until then, let's feed into the cage and beware of sharp teeth. Treat her with something delicious. Guinea pigs love fruits and vegetables, especially apples.

Step 3
After a while, take the pig in your hands, stroke it, but do not make any sudden and frightening movements. Some animals become so tame that they simply cannot live without their owner, so people sometimes let them run around the house without fear. If she's not quite used to you yet, the pig may run away and it will be extremely difficult to catch her.

Step 4
Well, the last stage is swimming. When a close, trusting relationship is established, you can bathe your guinea pig. Washing is necessary because the smell is absorbed into the fur anyway, and not because it is marine - this has no connection.