Yorkshire Terriers are pretty and graceful dogs, so many dog lovers dream of having a Yorkshire puppy. Due to their compact size, Yorkshire Terriers are ideal dogs for keeping in a house or apartment. The appearance of the representatives of this breed is distinguished by high decorative qualities, therefore, owners of Yorkshire terriers often pay a lot of attention to caring for the fur of their pets.

In general, it is not so difficult to properly care for the Yorkshire Terrier - these dogs are distinguished by their calm character and unpretentiousness in food.

- If a Yorkshire terrier puppy appears in your house, immediately assign him your place. The puppy's bed should not be in the immediate vicinity of a door or window (so that the animal does not get caught in a draft), as well as near a central heating battery. To make the puppy feel more comfortable, you can equip a special aviary for him.
- Despite the fact that for the most part Yorkshire Terriers are not very whimsical in choosing food, it is necessary to correctly form the diet of your pet. You can feed the Yorkshire Terrier with both ready-made professional food and natural food. But in any case, the dog's diet must be balanced, therefore, it is necessary to categorically exclude any sweets, salty foods, and ready-made meals from your table. Food that is suitable for the human stomach can be detrimental to the digestive system of the Yorkshire Terrier.
- Yorkshire Terriers are distinguished by a specific coat, since dogs of this breed do not have an undercoat. Therefore, in order to properly care for the Yorkshire Terrier, you must pay a lot of attention to the pet's coat. During the cold season, the dog needs to be dressed warmly before going for a walk with it. Your terrier should have a warm jumpsuit. The delicate pads of Yorkshire Terriers are not suitable for walking on pebbles or uneven asphalt, so shoes in this case will also not be superfluous.
- Caring for the Yorkshire Terrier's coat consists of regular washing and brushing. Terriers should be trimmed at least once every few months (or more often), and the hair that grows between the pads and toes should be removed once every two weeks. Yorkshire terriers have their nails trimmed once a week. A healthy and active dog should be bathed at least once every ten days.