How To Keep Pigs

How To Keep Pigs
How To Keep Pigs

Table of contents:


Pig breeding is one of the most profitable livestock industries. With proper fattening and maintenance, piglets reach industrial weight in 6-7 months. For winter maintenance, it is necessary to equip a capital warm pigsty. In summer, pigs can be kept in board sheds and fed on the paddock. Fattening depends on the purpose for which the livestock is raised - for meat or for breeding.

How to keep pigs
How to keep pigs

It is necessary

  • - milk;
  • - concentrates;
  • - vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • - crushed grain;
  • - bran;
  • - greens;
  • - root crops;
  • - capital pigsty;
  • - summer paddocks and walks;
  • - meat and bone meal;
  • - fish flour;
  • - fish fat;
  • - food waste.


Step 1

The newly purchased livestock must be placed in a separate room for quarantine. This is necessary so that in case of detection of infectious diseases, it does not infect all existing individuals. It is better to buy piglets at the age of 1, 5-2 months, when they know how to eat on their own and are used to an extended diet.


Step 2

Feed the piglets 4 times a day at regular intervals in small portions. The milk period lasts up to three months in animals and whole milk should be present in the diet - at least 2 liters per individual. Concentrates should be given steamed; vitamin and mineral complexes should be added to the feed, taking into account the age of the animals. They are widely represented in the trade in dry and liquid oil form. Gradually introduce boiled, well-crushed root vegetables into the diet.

how to breed piglets
how to breed piglets

Step 3

From three months, give milk skimmed, limit feeding to three times. At this age, you need to give a number of vaccinations against infectious diseases, which can be done by a veterinarian. As soon as immunity is developed, after about 21 days, all livestock can be released for a walk. At this age, the diet is enriched with fresh grass and voluminous, low-calorie foods are introduced, which include wheat and rye bran. Piglets are poured from separate feeders chalk, wood ash, coal, shells, red clay. Meat and bone meal and fish meal are added to the feed. Instead of fishmeal, you can add fish oil at the rate of one tablespoon per fish.

how to feed a pig
how to feed a pig

Step 4

The final feeding period begins from 5-6 months. All animals that go for meat are driven into the pigsty. Walks are canceled. In the final period, it is necessary to remove bulk feed from the diet and enrich it with high-calorie mixtures. At this time, you should give boiled root crops, crushed grain, grain concentrates, reverse or whey, barley, pea, corn flour. Feeding should be plentiful and three times a day. In two months of fattening, piglets reach an industrial weight of 100-130 kg.

give a piglet nettles
give a piglet nettles

Step 5

If individuals go to the tribe, walks are not limited, they give a large amount of green food, bran, concentrates, vitamins, minerals, meat and bone and fish meal. Feeding is limited, since overweight pigs cannot produce offspring at all or give weak offspring and often do not mature piglets to a viable state.
