If a dog lives in your house, then it is not just a pet, it is a family member, protector, guard and best friend. And taking care of his comfort and health becomes completely natural and necessary. One of the most annoying problems for a dog is fleas. And many people choose an anti-flea collar to get rid of fleas. But how to choose a product so that it only brings benefits?

A flea collar is a soft plastic buckle band that is impregnated with insecticide.
Most often, various chemical compounds act as an active substance, which are harmful to insects, but safe for dogs and humans. Less commonly, collars are impregnated with herbal extracts or essential oils. There are also ultrasonic collars that do not contain any chemical or biological reagents.

The choice of a collar depends on several indicators:

- the age of the dog;
- its weight;
- the state of health of the animal.

Most chemical collars are contraindicated for puppies, pregnant dogs, and sick animals. The fact is that chemical compounds that are safe for healthy adults can be toxic to weak dogs or puppies.

Some manufacturers make collars, the dose of insecticidal substances in which depends on the weight of your pet. This is especially true for dwarf and ornamental breeds.
Pregnant and sick animals are weakened by their current condition, so additional chemical attack can be toxic.
In this regard, for adult healthy dogs, it is advisable to use collars with a chemical insecticide. And for puppies, sick or pregnant dogs, it is better to opt for ultrasound products or biologically impregnated collars.
General recommendations:
Buy collars only from veterinary pharmacies. Never take such products on the "collapse" or from your hands: at best they will be simply useless, at worst - they can lead to poisoning not only the dog, but also you.
Choose well-known manufacturers who care about the quality of their products and value their good name. It would not be superfluous to consult a veterinarian or at least read the appropriate forums on the Internet.
Pay attention to the date of manufacture of the collar - the fresher the better. The collars are used for 5-7 months, but over time, even if they are not unpacked, they lose their protective properties.
Carefully inspect the packaging - it must be completely intact, not wrinkled, without tears and gluing with tape. If the packaging is defective, then there is a possibility that the transportation and storage conditions have been violated.
Flea collars are primarily used as a prophylaxis against fleas and ticks. Therefore, do not expect miracles by simply pulling this ribbon around the neck of your faithful friend. Be sure to read the purchase instructions. Wash your pet thoroughly with a special shampoo or use drops on the withers. And only then put on a new accessory on it.
And remember: the correct use of the collar is completely safe for animals and people and protects your faithful friend from blood-sucking insects for a long time.