In most cases, getting rid of the pain syndrome of the animal does not eliminate the root cause of the pain, but facilitates its condition and promotes a speedy recovery. For this purpose, both special veterinary drugs and those painkillers that are intended for humans are used. In this case, compliance with the dosage is especially important.

Signs of pain in pets
When an animal is injured, you can guess without words that it hurts. But in cases of tissue necrosis, impaired blood circulation in them, muscle spasms or stretching of round or hollow organs, the animal may suffer in silence, and you just have to carefully monitor its behavior in order to determine the pain syndrome.

The main symptom of pain in both dogs and cats is behavioral change: cats begin to hide and “calm down” - they are quieter than usual; the dog may, on the contrary, begin to attract attention in every possible way. Pain in both those and others can also be accompanied by signs characteristic of a person: moans, whimpering, howling, meowing and even screaming when it is strong. Aggressive behavior can be observed - especially if you accidentally touch a sore spot. As a rule, animals have a lack of appetite, a change in gait - lameness, if paws hurt, rapid breathing and heartbeat. With severe pain, convulsions are common. But all these symptoms can be the result of not only pain, but also other disorders, so it is important to show the animal to the veterinarian so that he can diagnose and prescribe exactly the treatment that is necessary and will bring relief to the animal.
How to choose the dose of pain reliever for your animal
You must clearly understand that self-administration of medications to an animal may sometimes not improve its condition, but provoke a deterioration. This can be done in the most extreme cases in the absence of veterinary care, since in each specific case, an individual selection is required not only of the drugs themselves, but also of their dosage.

The required dosage is indicated in the instructions that are attached to the pain relievers designed specifically for cats and dogs: "Flexoprofen", "Rimadil", "Travmatin", "Carprodil". So, "Travmatin" is administered at 2-4 mg for dogs of medium and large size, for puppies and small dogs, 0.5 mg to 2 mg is enough. "Rimadil" in tablets is calculated - 1 tablet for every 5 kg of animal weight.

These are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that help with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Corticosteroids provide pain relief, but they are fraught with side effects. They cannot be used with drugs of the first group. The drugs of the opioid group are most effective, but they also affect the central nervous system, causing in some cases drowsiness, in others - excitement.

In the case when there are no special preparations for animals at hand with an indication of the dosage, you can use "human" drugs. So, "Pentalgin" is given at the rate of ½ tablet for every 20-30 kg of the dog's weight, or 1/8 tablet, if the medicine is for a cat. If there is baralgin in ampoules, it is injected intramuscularly to dogs at 3 cubes per 40 kg of weight, the dose for a cat will be less than 0.5 cubes. If there is nothing in the first-aid kit, you can give "Analgin". For a cat - ¼ tablets, for a dog - 1 tablet per 30 kg of body weight.