Treating cats for external and internal parasites is a long process with possible relapses. To save time and quickly rid the animal of ticks, fleas and worms will help the drug "Stronghold", which is applied to the skin. A two-fold treatment is sufficient even for severe invasions, the drug is also suitable for prophylaxis.

"Stronghold": composition and form of release

Stronghold is an effective remedy for the elimination of nematodes, sarcoptoid mites and roundworms in cats of all ages and breeds. It is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it is sold in all veterinary pharmacies. The medicine contains the active ingredient selamectin (6 or 12%). The drug is colorless or pale yellow, translucent, liquid, with a characteristic medicinal odor that quickly disappears.
The medicine is packaged in plastic pipettes with a thin dispensing nozzle. After opening, it cannot be stored, you need to use the entire dose at one time. The product is quickly absorbed without leaving greasy stains on the coat. Does not cause itching, discomfort, does not provoke scratching.
Pipettes with medicine are packaged in 3 pieces in cardboard boxes and supplied with detailed instructions. Each package contains stickers that are pasted into the veterinary passport of the animal with the date of processing. Plastic pipettes can be purchased in whole packs or individually. On sale are pipettes for adult cats and kittens, differing in volume and concentration of the active substance. For animals weighing up to 2.5 kg, pipettes with a volume of 0.25 ml with a blue cap are intended. Cats weighing from 2.6 to 7.5 kg need 0.75 ml vials with a purple cap. Particularly large pets can be applied with 2 pipettes of the appropriate volume. A minor overdose will not harm the pet's health.
The drug is stored in a cool dry place, away from heating appliances and direct sunlight. It is forbidden to keep the medicine near household chemicals, food or animal feed. Unopened pipettes retain their properties for 3 years from the date of issue indicated on the package. Expired medicine partially loses its properties and must be disposed of with household waste.
Indications and contraindications

"Stroghold" is recommended for elimination of tick-borne and helminthic infestations in adult cats and kittens. As a remedy used according to the testimony of a veterinarian. To eliminate sarcoptic mites, the drug is applied twice with an interval of 1 month. For the treatment of helminthic invasions and otodectosis (ear mites), a single application is recommended.
The drug is also recommended for prophylactic purposes, this is especially true for free-range cats. The product is applied externally once a month. Within 30 days, the medicine protects the cat from attacks of ticks, fleas, round worms.
"Stroghold" is suitable for the prevention and treatment of adult cats of all ages and breeds, including frail and elderly cats. Among the indications for use:
- sarcoptic mange;
- otodectosis;
- toxocariasis;
- dirofilariasis;
- hookworm;
- allergic flea dermatitis.
Treatment is recommended for diagnosed invasions and for prophylactic purposes. The drug is used 2 weeks before routine vaccinations, castration or sterilization, as well as before mating animals. During pregnancy and lactation, the product can only be used with the permission of a veterinarian.
The drug has few contraindications. Among the main ones:
- individual intolerance to the active ingredient;
- age up to 6 weeks;
- severe infectious diseases;
- recovery from illness or surgery;
- damage to the skin at the site of application of the medicine.
When treating weakened or elderly animals, prior consultation with a veterinarian is recommended. If, after application, nausea, vomiting, upset stools or increased itching appear, treatment should be discontinued, unpleasant symptoms are removed with mild adsorbents and antihistamines.
The principle of the drug

The main active ingredient of Stronghold is selamectin, which has a detrimental effect on insects, nematodes, sarcoptoid ticks that infect cats. The component penetrates the protective membranes and paralyzes the nervous system of the parasites, leading to their rapid death.
The active substance is quickly absorbed into the skin and spreads through the bloodstream throughout the body. This allows you to treat not only skin lesions, but also to act on ear mites or intestinal worms. They are destroyed like adult insects. So are their larvae in different stages of development. Moreover, the drug is absolutely safe for animals, does not accumulate in the liver and kidneys. In therapeutic doses, selamectin remains in the blood, protecting the animal from re-infection. The rest of the medicine is excreted from the body along with the urine.
Instructions for use

"Stroghold" is applied externally, directly to the skin. No prior preparation is required. If the animal's coat is very dirty, it can be washed with a mild hypoallergenic shampoo and dried thoroughly.
It is recommended to carry out the treatment with disposable gloves, it is forbidden to eat, drink and smoke while working with the medicine. The pipette is opened immediately before application. It is enough to twist the tip with your hands or cut it off with scissors. Then the fur on the withers of the cat between the shoulder blades or at the base of the neck moves apart, the liquid is distributed over the skin. To prevent the drug from splashing to the sides, it is squeezed out in small portions until the pipette is completely empty. The skin at the site of application must be completely dry, healthy and intact.
For convenience, the cat can be fixed in a special bag that closes with Velcro and leaves only the neck and upper back free. Alternatively, use a large, thick towel. If the animal is very nervous, you will need the help of an assistant who will hold the cat tightly. You do not need to rub in the liquid, the product is quickly absorbed without causing any inconvenience to the cat. It is important to ensure that the medicine does not run down the coat or get into the pet's eyes or mouth.
If there are several cats in the house, the treatment is carried out simultaneously. In the first hours after application, it is better to keep the animals in different rooms to avoid accidental licking of the drug. After processing, the pets cannot be washed, wetting the wool in the rain is undesirable. Immediately after application, the cat does not need to be stroked on the withers; after the medication is completely absorbed, all restrictions are removed.
In case of severe helminthic invasions, it is recommended to combine the drug with medications containing praziquantel. They are given orally in accordance with the instructions, after 2 weeks the Stronghold treatment is carried out according to the standard scheme. Such treatment completely eliminates all types of parasites and reliably protects the animal for 3 months. If the cat does not leave the room, prophylactic treatment is carried out 1 time in 3 or 6 months.
Stronghold can only be applied externally. When treating otodectosis, the drug is not instilled into the affected ear, a standard distribution along the withers is sufficient. Before treatment, the ear canal is cleaned of crusts and impurities with a cotton swab dipped in a special lotion. If otodectosis is complicated by otitis media, anti-inflammatory drops prescribed by a veterinarian are used at the same time.
"Stronghold" is one of the most effective therapeutic and prophylactic drugs of complex action. It is used topically and does not irritate the digestive system of cats. The product is well tolerated by animals of different breeds and ages and has practically no contraindications.