Bringing a kitten into the house, few people think that after a certain period of time he will start puberty. The sexual instincts inherent in nature will wake up in him. If the continuation of the feline family is not included in the plans, it is worth considering whether it is better to neuter the pet.

Age of cats for castration

At the age of 7-8 months, the reproductive organs of cats are fully formed and ready to perform their function. From about this age, animals exhibit specific behavior, which is characterized by the marking of a territory with a specific smell, attempts to escape from home in search of a cat, and aggressiveness. At the same time, it is important to differentiate the marking of the territory from simply poor pet education. If he constantly shits in the wrong places, it is most likely a matter of education. Castration will not solve the problem here. Therefore, it is necessary to train the animal to the litter box from childhood and in all seriousness.

It is advisable to castrate cats before the appearance of the above-described signs of puberty, when they have not yet had a single mating. In this case, the loss of the genitals is psychologically easier to tolerate. Clinically, kittens can be castrated as early as 6 weeks. The problem may lie only in the possibility of transferring drugs of anesthesia and their correct dosage.

It is possible to castrate cats at a more mature age. Before that, you should take the animal to the veterinary clinic to find out the possibility of the procedure. If the state of health does not contradict this, the cat is castrated. However, it must be borne in mind that in this case there is a possibility that the signs of sexual heat will persist.

Pros and cons of neutering cats

The positive aspects of the castration of cats include the calmness of the animal. After the operation, he loses interest in individuals of the opposite sex, he becomes peaceful, affectionate, aggression towards other cats disappears. A castrated cat stops marking territory and emitting heartbreaking screams. His life expectancy increases. In addition, the pet is protected from certain pathologies and diseases of the genitourinary system.
Of the disadvantages of castration of cats, one can single out the tendency to obesity and the risk when using anesthesia drugs. The first moment is associated with a decrease in the motor activity of the animal, since it becomes calmer, does not escape from the house, and avoids fights with other individuals. To prevent weight gain, you should monitor your pet's diet.
The second point completely depends on the level of health of the cat and the professionalism of the specialist operating it. The optimal age for castration is 8 months of age, when the body is not yet susceptible to various diseases. To eliminate the problem regarding the effects of anesthesia, you should contact specialized clinics with experienced doctors.