Allergies in puppies occur quite often, regardless of the sex and breed of the animal. Allergies can be caused by the reaction of the puppy's body to any irritants from the air, food, or contact with ticks and fleas. Signs of an allergy in a puppy can be factors such as hair loss, redness of the skin, itching, and dandruff.

Why puppies are allergic

Questions about the benefits and harms of vaccination are systematically raised by specialists in the field of veterinary medicine. It is up to the owner to decide whether to vaccinate a puppy. However, it is worth knowing that many vaccine preparations can be the strongest allergens, so before deciding on vaccination, you should consult with an experienced specialist.

In addition to being allergic to the vaccine, the puppy can develop an allergic reaction to food, especially when the puppy is eating high protein foods. An allergen can be chicken meat, to which the animal's body can react very sharply. For this reason, you should carefully consider the choice of pet food. Some manufacturers produce food for dogs prone to food allergies, which can be purchased at specialty stores.

First aid in case of an allergic reaction in a puppy

If a puppy has an allergy, you should immediately exclude dangerous foods from its diet and show the animal to a veterinarian. If an allergy attack proceeds in an acute form, first aid should be given to the pet. A sick animal should be given an injection of Suprastin or Diphenhydramine or an antihistamine tablet.
If the puppy is in serious condition, you need to lay the animal in a position that is comfortable for him and provide an influx of fresh air.
With an attack of allergy, the dog may start vomiting, in this case, the mouth of the animal should be cleaned of vomit, otherwise the puppy may choke.
When anaphylactic shock occurs, you must immediately call the veterinarian, and before his arrival, if necessary, give the puppy an injection of "Imunofan" and ascorbic acid.
With a protracted nature of the disease, you can replace ordinary water with a weak decoction of the train. Puppies generally tolerate these dietary changes well. A stronger decoction of the series is necessary to make compresses and wraps for allergic rashes and itching.
In any case, at the first symptoms of an allergy in a puppy, the animal should be immediately shown to a specialist, because an incorrectly selected treatment can cause irreparable harm to the animal's body and even lead to death.