How To Care For Mongrels

How To Care For Mongrels
How To Care For Mongrels

Smooth-haired and shaggy, small and large, aggressive and trusting - mongrels are found on the streets of absolutely all cities. And more and more often, deciding to get a dog, people give preference to mongrels, and not purebred dogs from eminent breeders.

Mongrels are very loyal to their master
Mongrels are very loyal to their master

Sanitary treatment

When purchasing a puppy from the dogs of a breeder belonging to the club, the buyer is always sure that his pet has received all the necessary vaccinations and is healthy. This cannot be said about a dog from the street, and therefore, first of all, it must be taken to a veterinary clinic for examination. There, the doctor will give an opinion on the state of her health based on the examination performed. If the dog is recognized as healthy, of all medical procedures, it will need to be dewormed, treated for fleas and ticks, and vaccinated.

It should be noted that dogs taken from the street are in better health than their pedigree relatives, and do not have any genetic diseases.

After visiting the veterinary clinic, the pooch should be well washed with a special anti-flea shampoo, ears, eyes should be cleaned and, if necessary, claws should be trimmed. It is better to carry out the last procedure not on your own, but also in a veterinary clinic.

Daily care and accessories

The dog must have its place. It can be located near the front door or somewhere in living rooms, but it must be clearly marked. For these purposes, baskets or rugs are suitable. When treating a dog for fleas, its place must also be treated to avoid re-infection. In addition, the litter should be regularly cleaned from faded wool.

Two bowls are placed in the feeding area - for food and water. The water needs to be changed daily. As for the diet, mongrels are very unpretentious. They eat dog food and food from the owner's table with equal pleasure. A prerequisite is vitamins. They are given either with food or as a reward for good behavior. Also, the dog should be regularly given anti-tartar remedies.

A leash is required for walking, and a muzzle is required for medium to large dogs. There should be at least two walks a day. This is by no means the limit - all dogs love contact with the owner and therefore you can take them with you on long walks and even hikes.

But from time to time the pet is left alone. So that he does not get bored and start spoiling things, he will need toys. It can be a banal ball or a special soft toy that can be dragged and shaken to its fullest.

Caring for a mongrel is not much different from caring for any other purebred dog. Unless it is somewhat simpler, since mongrels are less whimsical and have better innate health. But according to the degree of attachment to the owner, they are ahead of their club tribesmen. A dog taken from the street will never forget this and will become its owner's most devoted friend.
