Why Cats Love To Sit In Boxes

Why Cats Love To Sit In Boxes
Why Cats Love To Sit In Boxes

Many have noticed that as soon as an empty box appears in the house (and it doesn't matter at all from under what), the cat immediately ends up inside the packaging container. Why are cats so interested in this subject? Let's try to figure it out.

Why cats love to sit in boxes
Why cats love to sit in boxes

A cardboard or plastic box serves as a kind of house for a pet, in which he hides from external influences, besides, biting and scratching the container, the cat gets a kind of emotional release.

Domestic cats are distant cousins of felines that can and love to hunt. Climbing into the box, the cat becomes almost invisible to the owners, while she herself perfectly observes the area. In such an ambush, cats can stay for several hours, while feeling completely safe. In addition, cardboard boxes dampen sounds well and cats rest in them from the hustle and bustle of people.

For pregnant cats, a large box is specially placed in which she will lamb and nurse her kittens. In this case, you need to put an old sheet or towels in the box to keep the kittens warmer.


The box is a closed space, which seems absolutely inaccessible to cats. Please note that as soon as you scold or punish an animal, it will immediately go to its secret hideout.

Being in a confined space, it is easier for cats to calm down and warm up, as a rule, being in a box, the animal falls asleep faster.

Seeing the desire of their pet to sleep or just stay in boxes for a long time, some owners buy special cat houses for them, but as a rule, cats study a new bed for a couple of days, and then return to cardboard packaging.
