Why Do People Love Cats

Why Do People Love Cats
Why Do People Love Cats

Most of the cats living in city apartments have never seen mice. They sharpen their claws on sofas and wallpaper, scatter filler, steal meat from the table … And as compensation, they only allow a person to love themselves. And sometimes they reciprocate. Why do people love cats so much that they agree to this seemingly unequal exchange?

Why do people love cats
Why do people love cats

Cat as a symbol of the tiger

Why would people even want to domesticate cats? Some ethologists believe that our ancient ancestors, taming animals, were guided not only by their primary household needs (eat, hunt, move). A cat is a predator, a representative of a dangerous feline family and, having found his "domestic tiger", a person, firstly, could feel like a winner of the wild.

And secondly (and this is the main thing), the habits of cats are very similar. And, having received the opportunity to observe the behavior and reactions of a cat, a person studied the habits of its larger relatives, who can easily kill a person.

According to this theory, the domestication of the cat was dictated by the instinct of self-preservation, and the close acquaintance of a person with this small predator became a way to protect his life from large and dangerous animals. It is not surprising that the cat received the status of a "sacred animal" capable of protecting a person from evil.

Cat as a symbol of a woman

If a man does not like cats, he will not be able to win the heart of a beauty, says one old Chinese proverb. And this is not an exaggeration. The Institute for the Study of Human Behavior in Vienna conducted a study that scientifically confirmed what many guessed: in terms of psychology, women and cats are very similar.

Sensuality, vulnerability, resentment, stubbornness, periodic outbursts of anger, the desire to achieve the goal at any cost - all this is characteristic of both. That is why the cat, the fluffy embodiment of femininity and independence, is so attractive to men. And women see cats as “sisters,” even though, according to psychologists, they envy their natural grace and ability to maintain excellent physical shape and openly express their emotions. In a sense, for a woman, a cat is an extension of her "I".


Cat as a symbol of comfort and tranquility

A purring cat creates coziness in the house - a statement with which it is difficult to argue. There is a lot of talk about the fact that cats are able to feel the illness of the owner and treat him, laying down on a sore spot, arranging a kind of "cat therapy" sessions. And, as American doctors have found out, in some cases cats provide very effective psychological assistance to their owners: in particular, cat owners have a much better chance of surviving a heart attack.

This is explained by the fact that a cat, nestling on the owner's lap or purring on his blanket, provides a person with emotional support, which is similar in effect to psychotherapy. This is not an exclusive property of cats, in medicine even appeared such a direction as "animotherapy" (treatment by communication with animals). But in cats, the ability to "purr" diseases and other troubles is very noticeable. And it really relieves stress, relaxes, makes you feel comfortable. What else do you need for comfort?

Cat as a symbol of a child

A huge layer of cat lovers is single women of all ages. They sometimes call their pets "daughters" or "little sons", and transfer all their unspent love to them.

Indeed, life with cats in many ways resembles life with a child: cute fluffy animals require attention and care, are capricious, rush around the apartment, selflessly indulge in games …

They are somewhat reminiscent of children and outwardly: a round head, large eyes, a shortened muzzle. All this touches and really encourages to take care of the shaggy "cub", to pamper him and accept in return feline love.

But at the same time, caring for a cat is quite easy, and this animal is quite independent. And, unlike dogs, she does not need to devote time all the time, day after day. This makes cats an ideal pet that you can love in the "background" without spending a lot of energy - but getting in return all the advantages of a lively, cute and affectionate creature that is always waiting for you at home. A very convenient object for maternal feelings - or for those cases when there is no strength and time to build relationships with the opposite sex.


Cat as a symbol of love and impermanence

Everyone has the need to love and be loved. But cats, it would seem, are not the best object for love: they either rub against their legs, seeking attention, then emphatically ignore their owners. Independent and detached, they show their affection only when they see fit - unlike dogs who love their owners without conditions and restrictions.

Signs of attention from a cat are especially valuable: their love must be earned, it must be constantly sought. And that is why they are especially appreciated.

But if you managed to make the cat content and happy, she will repay you in full. First, she clearly demonstrates her disposition - in various ways, from light biting on her hands to blissful relaxation with half-closed eyes. Secondly, that very "special" purr. There is a point of view that it "triggers" in the human body special biochemical reactions, the effect of which is somewhat akin to a drug and gives a special pleasure. You made the cat happy - and the cat made you happy. But in that order.

And this is the reason to strive to please the cat again and again.
