How To Make A Nest

How To Make A Nest
How To Make A Nest

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Budgerigars are cute and funny birds. If you want to have such a miracle for yourself, take into account that budgerigars are bred in parrot nests. They can be bred in any season, but it will be better to breed in the summer. Warm air and long daylight hours are conducive to this. In winter, raising parrots is much more difficult. If nature does not allow, you need to maintain an 18-hour day length by means of artificial lighting. The temperature should be around 21C.

How to make a nest
How to make a nest


Step 1

You need to start breeding parrots with the installation of nesting sites. Nests can be made of wood, in the form of boxes. They are similar to birdhouses, but somewhat smaller in size (45x35x30 cm). These houses are hung in cages and aviaries at a distance of at least one meter from the floor. In cages, it is better to install nests outside, so that they do not take up too much space. During nesting of parrots, eggshells with bone meal should be in the cage. They are rich in calcium and phosphorus. And for the female to form a shell before laying eggs, this is extremely necessary.

how to make nests for chickens
how to make nests for chickens

Step 2

Wildlife enthusiasts will enjoy attracting wild birds such as storks to artificial nests. An old car tire can be placed on top of a water tower or similar structure. You can fix a wooden shield on top of a large tree. The main thing is to fly up to the nest, then nesting can take place. There were attempts to successfully attract storks in different parts of Europe, when the wheel was mounted on a wooden pole or roof. And they tied brushwood to the wheel. These nests were then "collected" by the birds, so there was no need to build new nests, which can weigh up to several centners.
