Determining the sex of a kitten, unlike an adult cat, is a very non-trivial task. To do this, most often it is necessary to be guided not by direct, but by indirect signs. There are several ways to accomplish this task.

Step 1
To determine the sex of a kitten, find its genitals, which are located under the tail. The structure of the female's genitals differs from the structure of the male's organs, but in both, they are located below the anus. Female kittens have a small gap about a centimeter from the anus, while males have small testicles and a penis. If the animal breaks free, not allowing you to see the area under the tail, examine the kitten's belly. The cat has pronounced nipples on its belly, but the cat does not. This method is suitable for sex determination even in newborn kittens.

Step 2
The second method is used if the kitten has reached the age of one month. During this period, it becomes possible to determine the sex of the kitten by its muzzle and eyes. Unlike cats, cats have a more elongated muzzle and almond-shaped eyes. In addition, cats are slightly larger than cats. Also try to determine the sex of the kitten by other indirect signs. For example, tortoiseshell cats are only females, there are no cats with this color. This is due to a set of genes that determine the color of the cat. Males are also usually red. But this method of sex determination is less reliable than the first one.

Step 3
Try to determine the sex of the kitten by its nature. Cats are more playful, but they are more loyal to the home and affectionate towards the owner. Cats are more proud and independent, sometimes they are careless and careless, but they are more calm and lazy than cats.

Step 4
Regardless of the method you intend to use, determine the gender of the kitten before you buy or donate it, not after. The exception is found kittens, which have to be taken in any case in order to avoid their inevitable death. Be sure to include the gender of the kitten you have specified in your find announcement - this will greatly increase the likelihood that the owners will recognize it.