How To Buy A Hamster

How To Buy A Hamster
How To Buy A Hamster

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Among pets, hamsters occupy a confident third place after cats and dogs. These animals attract with their diminutiveness and unpretentiousness. Both children and adults are happy to watch the life of a hamster in a cage or aquarium, it is pleasant to take hamsters in hand, in the summer you can walk with them in the yard … In a word, if your choice fell on this animal, you just have to go and get one, … and two (if you are going to breed them) hamsters. But you don't need to take the first ones that come across, so as not to get upset if the animal turns out to be sick and soon dies.

it is better to buy a hamster at the age of three weeks to one and a half months
it is better to buy a hamster at the age of three weeks to one and a half months


Step 1

If you have friends who breed hamsters, contact them first. It is unlikely that they will palm off on you sick and non-viable animals. But just in case, remember the main signs of a healthy hamster: it is dry, clean, non-sticky coat, clean eyes without scratches, a clean anus, no scars and bumps on the skin under the fur. And healthy and cheerful hamsters are also very active, so come and buy them in the afternoon when they are awake and awake, showing their character.

Step 2

If you are buying a hamster at a poultry market or at a pet store, consider the choice even more carefully. Unfortunately, often the owners of hamsters seek to cash in on the animals and sell them very small. Be sure to ask the seller about the age of the animal: it must be at least three weeks old, otherwise it will not survive, it will die without breast milk. If you take an already adult animal and it is a female (which can be identified by the closely spaced holes in the lower abdomen), she may be pregnant. If you are new to zoo business, you will hardly be able to determine the interesting position of the hamster on your own. So it is better to take either a male or a female in adolescence: a month or a half.

Step 3

If possible, take the money and buy a hamster at the pet store where there are veterinary certificates for animals. However, even if your new pet is documented to be healthy, do your own checkup. Feel the hamster: it should not be skinny, with a tight tummy. The seller should tell you everything about feeding and keeping the pet, and ideally immediately advise you to buy the right food, cage, drinker and wheel so that the hamster does not feel left out in the new place.
