Vaccination Of Puppies And Dogs

Vaccination Of Puppies And Dogs
Vaccination Of Puppies And Dogs

Newbies to dog breeding often have many questions about vaccinations for both puppies and adult dogs. Is vaccination mandatory? What vaccinations are needed and when should they be given? Finding answers to these questions is complicated by the presence of a large amount of conflicting information on the network.

Vaccination of puppies and dogs
Vaccination of puppies and dogs

Do dogs need to be vaccinated?

Yes, unfortunately, the anti-vaccine movement has made its way to dogs. Some pet owners refuse vaccinations, believing that in the modern world, the likelihood of animal disease with dangerous viruses is minimal.

However, there is also a virus in nature, the disease of which leads to death. There is no cure for it. This virus is rabies. Now in the regions of Russia, the welfare of dangerous animal viruses remains. But in 2017, in the fall, in the Leningrad region, foci of animal disease with rabies were identified. And, of course, this news contributed to the emergence of huge queues for vaccination of animals in veterinary clinics, both private and public.

In addition to rabies, there are a number of other dangerous diseases: plague of carnivores, hepatitis, enteritis, leptospirosis and others. It is more profitable to vaccinate a dog once a year than to spend tens of thousands of rubles on treatment.


Vaccination of puppies up to a year

The first vaccination can be given to puppies that are 6 weeks old. It is optional, but breeders often use it to prevent parvovirus enteritis.

At the age of 7-8 weeks, a second vaccination is given, which is mandatory. It is aimed at preventing plague, enteritis, parainfluenza, leptospirosis.

At 12 weeks, the third vaccine is given, using the same vaccine as in the second vaccine, with the addition of components against the rabies virus. If the immunity of the puppy is poorly formed, then at 16 weeks they give a second vaccination.

Above is a common vaccination schedule for puppies under one year old. However, this scheme may differ from vaccine manufacturer. Therefore, before giving vaccinations, you must consult with your veterinarian. He will give recommendations both on the choice of vaccine and vaccination schedule, and on preliminary deworming. For the convenience of pet owners, veterinarians usually put the dates of the next vaccinations in the vaccination passports.

Also, after vaccination, it is important to follow the veterinarian's recommendations for the duration of the puppy's stay in quarantine.


Annual vaccination of adult dogs

When the dog reaches the age of one year, the dogs are revaccinated against rabies, plague, enteritis, parainfluenza and leptospirosis. Complex vaccines are used. Then, annually, the owner should not forget to bring the dog for revaccination.

There is an opinion that it is not necessary to vaccinate adult dogs aged 7-8 years and older. However, age is not an indicator of strong immunity, and older dogs are also susceptible to diseases with dangerous viruses. Your veterinarian may recommend that you do not get the yearly vaccination if your dog has a serious medical condition. But don't make such decisions yourself.

The health of a dog depends on the responsibility of its owner. Refusal to vaccinate or carrying it out without the help of specialists can lead to disastrous consequences. "We will always be responsible for those we have tamed."
