The Cat Does Not Eat Well: Possible Causes

The Cat Does Not Eat Well: Possible Causes
The Cat Does Not Eat Well: Possible Causes

Owners often treat cats like children, so they are very worried if pets suddenly refuse to eat. Forcing an animal to eat by force is a futile exercise. It is important to establish the reason for refusing food. Lack of appetite in cats is not always associated with illness.

The cat does not eat well: possible causes
The cat does not eat well: possible causes

Reasons Affecting Cat's Appetite

Cats are very sensitive to lifestyle changes. Even family troubles can affect them. A change of place of residence, the usual rearrangement of furniture in the room, or a new bowl that you do not like can cause poor appetite or refusal to eat. And if a new pet appears in the house, cats are capable of experiencing real depression. During stress, the animal usually does not seem sick, but is active. In this case, the appetite should soon return: after getting used to the changes.

Pets can "go on strike" against changing the diet: a new taste and smell, even a different form of granules and the consistency of the finished food sometimes make the cat refuse to eat. It is better to accustom the animal to new food, gradually adding it to the usual food.

The cat's appetite can be affected by the ambient temperature. On hot summer days, animals often lose interest in food. Cats constantly staying in the apartment are able to react to the home microclimate at any other time of the year, for example, in winter, when heating batteries and heating devices are connected.

The manifestation of the sexual instinct is also reflected in the appetite of a domestic four-legged friend. For cats, the fasting period ends very quickly, and cats during sexual activity may even refuse to eat for a week. You shouldn't worry too much in this case: as soon as the cat's hormones "calm down", the animal will return to its usual diet.

Cats can arrange a "fasting day" for themselves. This is usually caused by overeating or indigestible food. Even resentment against the owners who refused to pet or play with them sometimes becomes the reason for the cat's daily hunger strike.

Fasting times that do little harm depend on the age and health of the pet. For example, a young healthy animal is able to survive 5 days without food, and a small kitten - only a day. The main thing is that at this time the required amount of liquid is consumed.

A cat with access to the street can find food on its own. And also not uncommon - good neighbors who like to feed the "smaller brothers". In this case, a cat returning from a walk may not show interest in homemade food.

Poor appetite is a sign of ill health

Cats do not eat well if they are sick. Unhealthiness is manifested in the behavior and appearance of animals: they look lethargic, drowsy, lose their inherent cheerfulness. Look carefully to see if there is a bruise or wound under the fur, if something is stuck in your ear, if your teeth or gums hurt. The cat can also be disturbed by parasites.

Diseases can be very different, first of all, gastrointestinal disorders, helminthic invasions. Any symptoms such as fever, painful abdomen, abnormal bowel movements, etc. should be of concern to the host. Self-treatment can aggravate the situation, therefore, in any case, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian. It is important to establish the correct diagnosis, carry out the necessary tests, and then prescribe treatment.
