When the cat reaches the period of readiness for procreation, she begins to estrus. Most often, the first time this happens at the age of six months, much less often - at 8-9 months. In an animal that lives at home, sexual heat can occur at any time of the year, which undoubtedly distinguishes it from wild relatives.

Signs and stages of estrus in cats
At the very beginning of estrus, a cat can be unusually affectionate or, conversely, very aggressive. She constantly monitors doors and windows in order to improve the moment and run out into the street. But the most obvious sign of the onset of sexual activity is the calls of the cat. Your pet becomes extremely "talkative", she purrs and howls at any time of the day.
In addition, the cat may eat less food, or even refuse it altogether. Its genitals are enlarged, from them there are secretions that have no color. The animal during this period, most often, leaves puddles wherever it pleases, and also "marks" furniture.
A cat's heat lasts an average of ten days. As a rule, four periods are distinguished in it.
The first stage lasts 3-4 days. During this time, the animal's body prepares for mating. The cat's behavior changes, she becomes restless and affectionate.
The next phase is characterized by the calls of the partner's cat. She rubs her head against people's legs and furniture, rolls on the floor. If you touch her back, she assumes a peculiar pose: she raises the back of her body, tightens her front legs, and pulls her tail away. Similar behavior is observed if a male enters the field of view of the animal.
Further, sexual activity begins to decline. This happens about a week after the onset of the second period. If fertilization has occurred, then it is at this time that the development of embryos begins.
In the case when pregnancy has not occurred, estrus gradually ends, and sexual rest begins. The cat returns to its usual rhythm of life.
How to calm your cat during estrus?
First of all, you should remember that the period of estrus is not easy for a cat, and more than ever it needs the attention of loving owners. Therefore, stroke your darling more, keep it on your knees and hands.
You should also reduce the amount of food, because the animal's appetite decreases during sexual activity. It is best to feed your cat frequently, but in small portions.
Play more with your pet. During estrus, the amount of energy she has increases significantly. buy her new toys, make her run and jump around the house.
If the nightly screams of the animal are already getting on the nerves of all family members, you can try to lock the cat in a separate room or in the bathroom. Be sure to leave a container of water and your favorite couch there.
Some owners reduce the anguish of the animal by giving it sedatives. These can be herbal teas, such as chamomile, or preparations designed specifically for cats. Such is the popular "Cat-Bayun" remedy, as well as "Stop-Stress" and "Fitex".
Of course, you can also use special hormonal drugs, for example, "Sex Barrier" or "Pilcan". But before buying any remedy, check with your veterinarian. It is necessary to use such funds extremely carefully, because they can cause endometritis and ovarian cysts.