How To Get Rabbits

How To Get Rabbits
How To Get Rabbits

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Keeping rabbits is not so difficult; people of any age can do it. But it is necessary to arm yourself with special knowledge and understand that eared animals will need your attention, care, and careful care. It should also be remembered that rabbits are herd animals, they need communication with their own kind. What else do rabbits need?

How to get rabbits
How to get rabbits


Step 1

The first step is to purchase a suitable house. Rabbit cages are different - one-section, two-section, with mesh and slatted floors - for every taste. But the most reliable design is the simplest: from ordinary plywood and planks from wooden boxes. You can build one yourself. Install it at a height of 70-80 centimeters from the ground.

What an unpretentious animal to have
What an unpretentious animal to have

Step 2

The length of the cage for one animal should be about a meter, width - 50-60 centimeters, height - 35-40 centimeters. One of the long walls must necessarily have a mesh door; the cage must be divided by a partition into two compartments - the stern compartment and the nest. A hole of 20 by 20 centimeters should be made in the partition. The floor should be laid with a slight slope towards the back wall. To make it easier to clean the rabbit house, it is better to put the pallet down. Also, there should be 2 feeders inside - for bulk feed and hay, a drinker. The roof should be covered over the boards with roofing felt or tar paper, other waterproof material.

What do rabbits eat?
What do rabbits eat?

Step 3

When the cage is ready, you can buy equipment for caring for rabbits - a birch broom, scoop, scraper, bucket with a lid. It's also a good idea to get a mesh carrier, in which rabbits can be placed during harvesting.

Step 4

The rabbitry is placed in a barn or on the street, but always where there is no strong wind and it is dry. If the animals are planned to be kept in winter, it is necessary to prepare an insulated room for them, where the cages will be transferred during cold weather.

Step 5

You can feed rabbits with various foods - green, juicy, rough, concentrated feed and food of animal origin, compound feed, vitamin and mineral supplements. It is better to give it all together. Feed should be properly prepared before serving.

Step 6

So, dry grain is crushed and moistened, then included in the mash. Maize and legumes are soaked for 8 to 24 hours. Greens are not given in unlimited quantities, but dosed, fresh grain is germinated, the tubers are washed. Rabbits eat hay, linden branches, pears, apple trees, aspen, acacia well. They need rowan berries and acorns in their diet. You can also give the remains of cereals, pasta, bread.
