There are two main directions in quail breeding: egg and meat. In accordance with the goals of raising these birds, you need to acquire those that are more consistent with the task at hand. For egg-growing, they buy Japanese, Estonian, tuxedos. For meat - pharaohs.

Step 1
All quail breeds can be divided into two main categories: meat and egg and meat. Therefore, you should choose birds depending on your goals. If egg direction is preferred, it makes sense to pay attention to Japanese quails. In terms of egg production, they surpass many other lines of these birds.
Step 2
Japanese quails as an independent line were bred by breeders from the country of the same name. The feather color of these birds differs depending on the sex. Males have brown breasts, females light gray. The gender of the chick can be distinguished at 3 weeks of age. Egg production is 250-300 (or more) eggs per year. The weight of each of which is 9-11 g. Japanese quails are an unprofitable option when grown for meat: the average carcass weight is 80 g.
Step 3
If the quail attracts not only egg production, but also decorative qualities, it is worth breeding tuxedo or Manchu golden ones. The first ones are especially beautiful: the back is dark and the breast is light. The egg production of these birds is also quite high - up to 280 per year. Representatives of the Estonian breed cope with this task just as well: 275-285 eggs per year. But these quails are especially gluttonous, so the consumption of feed when keeping them is slightly higher than for representatives of other breeds.
Step 4
The egg type refers to the marble breed. Its representatives are a daughter line of the Japanese and represent a certain modified form of them. These birds have gray plumage and look much more attractive than quail of other breeds. In terms of egg production, they almost correspond to the Japanese. The carcass weight of marbled ones is just as small: rarely exceeds 80 g.
Step 5
If the priority is the meat direction - there is no better breed than the pharaoh. These are the largest birds: the weight of adult males ranges from 165-265 g, and females - 180-310 g. By the age of 5 weeks they are already gaining a very significant mass: 140-150 g. Pharaoh is an advantageous breed in all respects, so as eggs they also give a lot: up to 220 pieces per year. Despite their smaller number than in birds of egg breeds, in the pharaohs they are much larger: weighing 12-18 g.
Step 6
By the nature and type of behavior, these quails are capricious and more whimsical to the quality of feed and conditions of detention. There is such a line of these birds, bred in the USA, as the broiler pharaoh. These quails are not much larger, but gain weight quickly. The appearance of the birds is not very attractive due to the "wild" color of the plumage. In addition to the pharaohs, tuxedo quails can be grown for meat. Representatives of this breed are classified as meat and egg.