There are many jokes and anecdotes on the reproduction of hedgehogs. All this is due to the sharp needles. People are perplexed: how do hedgehogs manage to arrange love games? After all, thorns will definitely interfere. This is an illusion. In fact, hedgehogs reproduce, like all mammals, and the needles, oddly enough, absolutely do not interfere with them.

Step 1
The mating season for hedgehogs begins in June. The male senses the smell, which is secreted by the glands of the female, a special secret with pheromones. He finds a candidate for mating by going to this smell. Having found a female, the hedgehog attracts her attention by snorting and dashing. If the female responds favorably, the preliminary games begin.

Step 2
The very process of courtship and sexual intercourse itself, hedgehogs try to hide as much as possible. That is why they arrange their mating games in dense grass or under burdocks. First, the male and female sniff, turning their muzzles to each other. Then they make a joint act of urination. After that, the fun begins.

Step 3
The male seeks to approach the female from behind. She resists with all her might, turns to him sideways with thorny needles. The hedgehog responds to the hedgehog's resistance by pushing it with its paws and muzzle. Then the male raises his head and wrinkles his lips. Sighs and loud sniffs are heard throughout the sex play. This process can take several hours.

Step 4
The act of hedgehogs takes place in the “partner from behind” position. Why do lovers not get in the way of needles? The fact is that in ordinary life, the needles are tough and hard, which is due to high blood pressure. During the mating season, this pressure decreases, the needles become soft. Plus the hedgehog picks up the needles, lays them tightly on the back. The sexual intercourse itself lasts 2-3 seconds.

Step 5
The hedgehog's gestation period is about 7 weeks. Usually 3 to 6 hedgehogs are born. Cubs appear blind, with soft light needles. The body length of a newborn hedgehog is 6-7 cm, weight is 10-15 grams. Hedgehogs begin to see in 2 weeks, to feed on their own - in a month. As a result, the female takes care of the offspring for 2 months, after which the hedgehogs leave their home. Hedgehogs lead an independent lifestyle, do not have permanent partners and do not form stable families.