What Do Hedgehogs Eat

What Do Hedgehogs Eat
What Do Hedgehogs Eat

The hedgehog is one of the most common animals. It lives in Europe, Siberia, Asia Minor, Kazakhstan and China. Hedgehogs eat a wide variety of foods. The diet of animals directly depends on the area of their residence.

Hedgehog diet
Hedgehog diet

Eating a hedgehog in the wild

how to feed hedgehogs properly
how to feed hedgehogs properly

The hedgehog does not have problems with finding food in wildlife. The animal runs pretty fast, has a very developed sense of smell and hearing. In addition, hedgehogs are not afraid of water and are able to cover long water distances when changing habitat or in search of food. These mammals are predominantly nocturnal, and usually hibernate during the winter. In spring, hedgehogs consume more food than during wakefulness. This is due to the need to replenish the supply of vitamins and fats. The results of observations show that animals are able to eat such an amount of food per day, which is almost half of their weight.

Hedgehogs are omnivores. In the wild, they consume a variety of plant and animal foods. The main diet of hedgehogs is made up of beetles, slugs, caterpillars and larvae. Quite often, animals eat frogs, lizards and other reptiles.

Mice and eggs are rare food in the diet of a hedgehog. However, if, while searching for food, the animal finds a bird's nest on the ground or in the bushes, then the hedgehog will not refuse such delicacies as eggs or newborn chicks. In addition, when meeting common mice or voles, a thorny forest dweller will also not exclude them from their diet.

The hedgehog is able to defeat any snake. He grabs her by the tail, curls up into a ball, and when he tries to bite him, the snake runs into protection in the form of needles. Meanwhile, the hedgehog easily bites the enemy's spine and eats it.

From plant foods, hedgehogs prefer berries, fruits and mushrooms. In the fall, they collect fallen acorns. Hedgehogs do not feed on foliage, grass and tree shoots, however, during periods of lack of food, which are extremely rare, they can eat tree buds or seeds.

How to feed a hedgehog at home

hedgehogs molt
hedgehogs molt

Hedgehogs need food that is low in fat and sufficient in protein. At home, hedgehogs can be fed with any kind of boiled meat, eggs, bread, fruits and vegetables. The main diet of the animal should include mainly representatives of the insect world - grasshoppers, cockroaches, crickets. In small quantities, hedgehogs can be given earthworms.

Scientists have proven that hedgehogs are completely insensitive to any kind of poison. They are not affected by the bites of poisonous insects and even arsenic.

It is worth paying special attention to dairy products. It is not recommended to give sour cream, milk and yogurts to hedgehogs. This is primarily due to the lack of special enzymes in the animal's body that process lactose. Low-fat cottage cheese can not only be given to a hedgehog, but it is also necessary. There are some individuals who, of all the delicacies, prefer ice cream most of all. In order for the needles to be strong and not fall out, the animal needs a sufficient amount of calcium. It is also recommended to feed the hedgehogs with cereal flakes.

Due to the variety of the complex of food consumed, animals constantly need liquid. In the wild, finding water is not difficult, but at home you need to make sure that the hedgehog has a drinking bowl.
