Chickens are the most common and unpretentious bird in the yards of rural houses and in the dachas of townspeople. Chickens of egg breeds lay a lot of eggs, meat chickens quickly gain weight and reach impressive sizes. The best option would be to breed meat-egg breeds, such as New Hampshire, Plymouth Rock, Cornish, Rhode Island, etc. These birds are able to provide eggs all year round, and when slaughtered they give a good carcass.

Step 1
To start raising chickens, you need to build a chicken coop. It could be a shed that is easy to put together from cheap material. The main thing is that there is no draft. The premises must be equipped with nests and perches. To walk the birds next to the chicken coop, they enclose a spacious place with a net and put feeders with drinkers.

Step 2
You can buy young chickens and quickly start receiving finished products. And it is more profitable to buy day old chickens and raise them yourself. It is better to buy both those and others on poultry farms, where all the birds are sold already vaccinated and there will be no substitution with the breed.

Step 3
Small day old chicks are first kept in a warm room under a heating device that provides a temperature of 29-33 degrees. The first week, feeding day-old chickens should be carried out two hours later with cottage cheese, boiled egg, millet, half-eaten feed must be removed. They put clean water.

Step 4
After a week, the temperature of the heater can be reduced by 4 degrees. Chickens are fed after three hours with cereals from mixed fodders, chopped small grass is added, river sand, chalk, and charcoal are placed separately. The feed should be crumbly with a low moisture content. Chicks are often taken out for walks.

Step 5
By the age of twenty, chickens can be kept at 20-22 degrees Celsius, they can walk in a fenced area for a long time. They are fed with wet mash and dry compound feed. Also, continue to put sand, chalk, corner separately. When the chickens are fledged, they are transferred to the chicken coop.

Step 6
When properly grown at the age of 4-5 months, young hens begin to lay. The most productive specimens with a good physique are selected and left for further breeding, and the rest are fattened for slaughter.