How To Choose Hay To Buy

How To Choose Hay To Buy
How To Choose Hay To Buy

The basis of the livestock ration is hay. The grass from which it is harvested has different properties. Those who do not harvest it on their own, but acquire it in bales, should carefully study the nutritional value of its different types.

How to choose hay to buy
How to choose hay to buy

Hay is very important for livestock. Animals require a large amount of food, so it is simply necessary in the winter season, as well as during poor harvests. Hay needs to be able to choose the right one, as it varies in type and quality.

Types of grass for hay:

  • Cereals (timothy, bluegrass). Hay is cold-hardy, therefore it is often found in the north, but in hot regions such grass does not grow.
  • Legumes (alfalfa, soybeans, vetch, Chinese cowpea). Hay is high in energy, vitamin A and calcium. Legumes are rich in protein, protein, minerals.
  • Mixed. A mixture of cereals and legumes.
  • Fodder. The grass should be mowed while it is green and the seeds are not yet ripe. Hay can be high in nitrate if harvested after a long period of drought.

What are the benefits of hay varieties

The nutritional value of hay directly depends on the content of leaves in it. Thanks to this factor, cereal varieties have a large amount of nutrients, and are also quickly and well absorbed by the body. Moreover, all indicators change with the maturity of the grass.

In legumes, the composition of substances is constant, it does not change throughout the entire ripening period. When the plant is young, with few stems, it tastes great. Overripe hay contains a high percentage of fiber.

Livestock feeding

Changing the ration of animals for winter, with the addition of hay, you need to be careful, gradually. It is best to start with a mixture of two types of herbs. She should start feeding, gradually increasing the amount of hay, until finally it matches the amount suitable for the daily ration. A sudden transition causes indigestion, the death of microorganisms that help digest animal food.

For horses, cereal and alfalfa hay is best suited. Before buying, be sure to find out about the method of making hay. It can become hazardous to animals if it gets wet after harvest, or if it has been harvested very green. The quality of the food must meet the needs of the livestock For an adult horse, good grain hay is necessary, for pregnant and lactating mares, legumes are suitable. You can use a mixture, it will only improve the quality of the food.

Grain hay is also suitable for cattle. Cows are not as demanding as horses, they can eat lying food, even a little moldy. But some types of mold affect the offspring for the worse. The choice of hay depends on whether the cow is raised for meat or for milk, for posterity. Dairy cows need to be fed a diet high in protein. Cattle raised for meat feed on any hay.

If the feed contains coarse stems or is dry, it is best to add feed derived from legumes. Calves need softer hay, their tender mouth will not chew what adults can eat.

The grass must be cut before flowering. The best feed is needed for dairy cows. These are dried grasses, with more alfalfa stems, but fewer leaves.
