How To Feed Newborn Kittens

How To Feed Newborn Kittens
How To Feed Newborn Kittens

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Nature conceived in such a way that their mother-cat is engaged in the feeding of small kittens, whose milk contains all the nutrients and microelements necessary for the full development of babies. Unfortunately, it happens that newborn kittens sometimes remain without a mother and a person has to feed them. How and what to feed them then?

How to feed newborn kittens
How to feed newborn kittens


Step 1

First, decide what you will feed the kittens. It is important to choose a worthy substitute for the cat's milk, which will be easily absorbed by the kitten's delicate digestive tract and will saturate its body with all the nutrients necessary for full development and growth. For this, special kitten milk, which you can buy at pet stores, is ideal.

If for some reason you could not buy milk intended for feeding newborn kittens, try to prepare a special nutritional formula yourself. To do this, take boiled cow's or goat's milk and mix it with the egg white, whisking the resulting mixture intensively. In this case, the ratio of milk to egg white should be approximately 80:20.

Finally, a good product for feeding newborn kittens is a formula for feeding a baby at the age of 1-2 weeks.

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Step 2

When the warm food for the little ones is ready, start feeding them. To do this, you need a syringe without a needle or a pipette; a small nipple will also work. In the process of feeding, make sure that the kitten regularly sucks milk and does not choke on it. Feed the kittens every two to three hours at first; the older the kitten becomes, the more the break time between feedings increases.

In this way, babies are fed until the moment they turn a month old; By this time, kittens are usually already starting to eat from a bowl on their own. Starting from the third week of life of kittens, gradually introduce complementary foods to them: a finely chopped hard-boiled egg, baby food from meat, mashed boiled fish of low-fat varieties or a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese are suitable.

how to feed a kitten with a syringe
how to feed a kitten with a syringe

Step 3

In nature, a mother cat gently massages her kittens' tummies, licking them, which provokes the development of normal peristalsis in babies. In the absence of the cat, the owner can gently massage the kitten's tummy with a damp, dense cloth. If you are doing everything right, the kitten should walk in a big way two or three times a day. When the kids grow up a little, the need for this will disappear.
