How To Feed Kittens Without A Cat

How To Feed Kittens Without A Cat
How To Feed Kittens Without A Cat

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Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that a newborn kitten cannot be fed by a mother cat and a person has to take on the job. Feeding a kitten is a very responsible and difficult task, you will need to prepare special food, provide proper care for the kitten cubs. You need to feed kittens without a cat using a special method - as close as possible to how a cat does it.

How to feed kittens without a cat
How to feed kittens without a cat

It is necessary



Step 1

The most important ingredient when feeding a small kitten is milk. You can't just replace cat milk with any other milk. Milk of any mammals is ideal only for their species. If we compare cat's milk with cow's milk, it turns out that it contains 10 times more protein, therefore, components containing proteins are additionally introduced into the mixture for feeding kittens. For the mixture, a base is used - cow's or goat's milk (80% of the composition), to which egg white is added (20% of the composition). Everything must be mixed very thoroughly, until a completely homogeneous mass. It happens that cow's milk is not suitable for a kitten, then you can use powdered milk formulas intended for babies. Dilute them twice as thin as prescribed by the instructions for feeding a baby 1-2 weeks old.

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Step 2

Kittens will eat a little more milk every day than on the previous day. They grow, and they need more food. Determining if the kittens had enough food is easy: after feeding, they should fall asleep. If kittens suck their thumb and squeak, then they are hungry.

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Step 3

Very small kittens are fed with a pipette or syringe without a needle, you can use a very small teat. If you feed the kitten with a syringe and a pipette, then it is you who regulate the milk flow rate, so take your time, otherwise the kitten may choke.

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Step 4

Give the kittens a warm mixture, but not a hot one. The first week, the temperature of the mixture should be 38-39 degrees, from day 8 - 30-32 degrees. The composition prepared for feeding cannot be stored for more than 1 day, otherwise it will deteriorate. All pipettes, syringes, bottles and nipples should be washed and boiled every day.


Step 5

How to feed the kitten? For the first 2 days, the newborn needs to be fed every 2 hours, including at night. The next 2 days - every 2 hours during the day and every 3 - at night. From day 5 onwards, feedings take place every 4 hours. When the kitten is 3 weeks old, you can feed it less often during the day and stop feeding it at night. From about three weeks of age, they begin to feed them with other food: low-fat cottage cheese, baby meat food, minced meat.

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Step 6

From the age of one month, kittens are taught to eat from a bowl. To do this, smear the kitten's mouth with milk, and then show him the bowl. He will want to eat, and will learn to lap from it.

Step 7

The main indicator of whether you are feeding your kitten properly will be how quickly he gains weight. Healthy kittens gain about 100 grams per week (maybe a little less or more). A newborn weighs about 100 g. If you notice that your little pet is not getting well and is not growing much, then he is either sick or lacking in nutrition.
