Before buying a kitten, you should buy a few things, such as a litter box, even if you are going to train your pet to the toilet, and a scratching post so that your cat does not tear sofas and doorframes. Trays are inexpensive, but it would be advisable to make a scratching post with your own hands, since this is not such a difficult process. And you will save a decent amount of money. There are different types of scratching posts, but the vertical one is considered one of the most popular.

It is necessary
- - two wooden planks,
- - plastic tube with a diameter of 10-15 cm,
- - a piece of dense thick rope,
- - furniture corners,
- - carpet or other similar covering,
- - hammer and nails (or construction stapler with staples),
- - screwdriver and screws,
- - non-toxic glue.
Step 1
Wrap the 40x40 cm planks with carpet and attach it to them with nails or staples. One of the boards will be the base for the scratching post, and the second will crown your creation. Plank sizes can be different, depending on the size of your pet.
Step 2
Take the pipe and wrap it with a thick, wide rope, loop by loop, using glue to be sure. Try to keep the rope tightly on the loop to the loop and to the pipe itself.
Step 3
When choosing glue, remember that it should not be toxic or have a pungent odor. The sense of smell in cats is much more developed than in humans, so even a scratching post that is very attractive in your opinion may not be pleasant to the pet because of the smell of glue.
Step 4
You can attach the pipe to the base and top of the future scratching post using screws and furniture corners. The finished scratching post should be installed near the place where your pet likes to sharpen its claws. If the animal does not want to relearn and does not touch the scratching post, try to go for a trick - lightly grease it with valerian tincture or rub it with catnip leaves.
Step 5
When your pet gets used to the scratching post, forgetting about the back of the sofa or the doorframe, you can move it to another place.