A kitten has appeared in your house. And now it depends on you whether he learns the skills that the cat mom teaches them. To prevent the kitten from tearing your beloved and expensive in every sense of the sofa, you should quickly teach him to sharpen his claws in the right place. So, you have chosen a scratching post, installed it and gave the kitten time to get acquainted with this new subject.

Step 1
To successfully train a kitten or an adult cat to a scratching post, you need your great patience and free time. For example, a day off. You will need to closely watch your pet, and, at the first sign of the kitten grinding its claws on the corner of the sofa or carpet, immediately take it and carry it to the claw. Release its claws a little and gently slide them along the "sharpener". So you showed the kid what this interesting tool is for. And so every time, until the kitten gets used to doing it on its own in the place you need.
Step 2
Pet stores sell special tools to attract cats to the right places, as well as to distract them from items that are dear to you. Catnip and valerian extract are very effective. They can process the covering of the scratching post. The smell of these plants will attract the baby's attention, and he will soon get used to sharpen his claws on a convenient panel.
Lemon or any other citrus fruit will help distract the kitten from the already loved places. Sprinkle the fruit juice on prohibited areas, and the kitten will bypass them. And soon he will completely forget that he once sharpened his claws there.
Step 3
Toys can also help to attract the kitten to the scratching post. Hang a tinkling or rustling toy on a string from the top of the sharpener. Show your kid what is there, what to play with. While playing, your pet will cling to the cover with its claws. Thus, he will soon figure out where to sharpen his claws.
Step 4
Use parenting methods - reward good behavior and punish for starting to sharpen your claws in the wrong place. As soon as you notice that the kitten begins to grind the sofa, then immediately "shout" at him, say strictly "no" and take him to the right place. If the baby has ground off the claws on the scratching post, then praise, stroke and give something tasty.