Scottish Terrier - Breed Description

Scottish Terrier - Breed Description
Scottish Terrier - Breed Description

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For the first time, the breed was seen in the Middle Ages in the vastness of the British Isles. Small frisky creatures made up the company of people in the burrowing hunt for rats, weasels and game.

Scottish Terrier - breed description
Scottish Terrier - breed description

The ancestors of the modern species lived in the highlands of present-day Scotland. The meaning of "Scottish" is interpreted as "Scottish", despite the fact that the place of origin is considered to be Great Britain.


Ideally, in appearance up to 30 cm, not exceeding 10, 5 kg, the dog is dense and impeccably built. Apart from the short and straight legs, he is active in work. With impressive hips, the chest is wide enough. The back, devoid of depressions and humps, is exceptionally straight. Without curvature, medium-sized thickened tail provokes those around it with an upward position or with a slight feed towards the back. The ears are pointed upright.


The breed is characterized by a voluminous muzzle. The elongated head seems a little too big. The coat consists of two layers: a delicate undercoat and a tough coat. The colors are quite standard: black, wheaten tones (from slightly cream to red) and brindle variations. Called the White Scotch Terrier, it is actually light wheaten. Albinos do not represent the purity of the species.


These dogs do not differ in constancy of temperament. They do not accept games throughout the day and interaction with the owner at the call, but at the same time they are not immersed in themselves. If handled correctly, they do not bark for no reason, do not cause damage to property, without fuss staying alone during the day.


Like any terrier, the variety is highly intelligent and willingly takes an interest in the environment. They, in contrast to more active breeds, are inherent in natural observation and assessment of the situation. They are incredibly happy with leisurely walks and unobtrusive acquaintances. Depending on their mood, they participate in mischievous, playful entertainment. In the country of origin, they are called "die-hard" - standing to death. They are able to do their best to protect the family from any that seem threatening to them, circumstances. Alertness to strangers does not cause aggression unnecessarily. Cats are rather neutral for no apparent reason.

Health and care

The breed is perfect for living in the city without the need for continuous combing and bathing. The dimensions of the pet are ideal for not spacious rooms. The coat, which is quite tough to the touch, assumes constant cutting and trimming, excellently protecting it from cold air, heat, dirt and moisture. Without physical impact, it almost does not shed.


For a neat appearance, the wool is shortened in the area of the sides, back, on the shoulders and under the tail. In a healthy state, Scottie appears to be hardy and agile until old age. Noteworthy, including hereditary, diseases include: neuromuscular with convulsions with excessive excitement, pathology of the hematopoietic and endocrine systems in the form of VWD, hemophilia and Cushing's syndrome. Incredible fame does not turn the breed into a commercial type. The cost is not associated with unnecessary spending of money. With a thoughtful approach, it is possible to find a reliable and desired friend!
