Among the beloved pets, various breeds of dogs are often distinguished. Many breeds are famous not only for their dedication and ability to guard the home, but also for their amazing beauty. Dalmatians are one of the most beautiful dog breeds.

The Dalmatian has a bright and unforgettable appearance. On a basic white background, black or brown spots are scattered throughout the body - it is impossible to confuse it with anyone else.
The Dalmatian is a very hardy, strong breed designed to run a lot. Their speed is comparable to that of a horse. Since the Dalmatian loves to run in large spaces, you should not deprive him of this pleasure. A constant walk on a leash along city paths will not suit this breed, but accompanying the owner on a bicycle will bring joy and satisfy the need for movement.
If a person decides to keep a Dalmatian in an apartment, you need to think about whether it is possible to organize a long stay in the fresh air, active games and maximum loads for your pet.
The countryside is an ideal residence for these dogs. They are excellent assistants in the transportation of goods, can participate in hunting and help rescuers.
Dalmatian has guard qualities - warns of the appearance of a stranger on the site.
The dog requires compulsory systematic training. Left to himself, the Dalmatian behaves inappropriately, for example, gnaws things, digs the ground. Excessive internal energy requires training to the point of fatigue.
The life span of these dogs is about 12 years. Of health problems, there is urolithiasis, congenital deafness, dermatitis. Caring for the coat is simple - you need to clean it with a regular brush.