The friendly shaggy spitz is very popular today. It is not surprising, because dogs of this breed have a very good appearance, cheerful disposition and excellent health. Spitz is easy to care for, they quickly become attached to their owners and live in good conditions for up to 12-15 years. Spitz responds with pleasure to sonorous, sonorous names and are ready to respond to the call to play at any time. How to name a spitz, which nickname is more suitable for this dog?

Step 1
Some kennels or breeders selling Pomeranian insist on giving the puppy their own name. Often it is double or triple, for example, Winwells Red Shine, and the nickname begins with the same letter as the names of the Spitz's parents. So, when buying a Pomeranian, be prepared for a long name in his canine documents. However, no one will force you to call your dog that way at home. You may well be able to shorten the official appeal or even come up with your own.

Step 2
Despite the fact that already from the moment you decide to buy a dog, you will probably start coming up with names for it, keep in mind that the most suitable nickname will come to your mind only after meeting the puppy. In addition, remember that the name affects the character of the dog in the same way as the character of the person, therefore, before naming your pet, be sure to study the interpretation or translation of the nickname. For example, dog breeders argue that the name Haggai (from other Hebrews "having fun", "festive") should belong to a good-natured active dog and a spitz is quite suitable. But the nickname Richard, derived from the ancient German word "rich" and the Latin "strong", "solid", is more suitable for a large breed dog.

Step 3
Of course, you should not call your pet too popular names. Firstly, it's just not interesting, and secondly, imagine how you will feel when a few more animals turn around at the name of the dog you pronounced. To choose an original nickname for a dog, refer, for example, to the history of its origin: since the Spitz appeared in Germany, it would be symbolic to call it a German name: Bruno, Wilhelm, Klaus, Knut, Erich, Anka, Christa, Trudy, etc.

Step 4
Also pay attention to the appearance and character of the Spitz. Perhaps, at the sight of a red puppy, the nickname Foxy or Sunny will come to your mind, and if your dog is black, Blackjack or Night. For a calm dog, the name Melancholy (Molly) is suitable, and for an active and nimble one - Waltz or Movie.