How Much Is A Chihuahua

How Much Is A Chihuahua
How Much Is A Chihuahua

Miniature dog breeds have recently become very popular - such a "pocket" friend can be kept in an apartment without any problems, or taken with you on the road. Chihuahuas, due to the characteristics of the breed and their calm nature, are ideal in this regard. But, if you decide to buy a puppy, do not expect it to cost you cheap, this Mexican dog is one of the most expensive.

How much is a Chihuahua
How much is a Chihuahua

What determines the cost of chihuahua puppies

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The price of Chihuahua puppies is made up of many factors and can range from several hundred to several thousand dollars. In addition to the regalia of the parents, which are a guarantee of the thoroughbredness and prospects of their offspring, the location of the nursery is of no small importance, for example. So, the most expensive puppies, all other things being equal, in Moscow, in the regions, you can buy a thoroughbred puppy from elite producers almost two times cheaper, however, this is due to quite objective reasons.

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The cost of a puppy is also influenced by its exterior, i.e. litter quality as well as gender. So the most expensive show-class puppies are sold from 1500 to 3000 $ - girls and from 1000 to 2000 $ - boys. A breed-class puppy can be purchased for $ 800-1200, a pet-class puppy for $ 250-800, and those who, for some reason, were cullied, will cost from $ 250 to $ 700.

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chihuahua dogs look

In the event that you will be offered a dog, the cost of which will be much lower, keep in mind that the high price of a puppy is not due to the desire of the breeders to get rich on your money, at best, they only recoup their costs for breeding these dogs.

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Why Chihuahua puppies are so expensive

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For a breeder, the cost of a puppy that fully meets breed standards and one who has been culled is the same. A puppy without a pedigree still receives proper care and all the necessary vaccinations. Those. you can't count on it to cost a penny, the breeder spends as much effort and care on it as on the rest of the puppies in the litter.

You should consider what is included in the cost of these puppies to understand that such a dog cannot be cheap. Do not forget that a high-breed bitch, a mother of puppies, costs a lot, money was spent on her proper feeding and upbringing, as well as on participation in exhibitions. They, especially when held in other cities and even countries, are also quite costly. When a bitch is prepared for mating, she is supposed to be in good shape, not to have any health problems, by the way, this also applies to a dog, for which the owner of the bitch pays.

Now consider the costs of keeping and caring for the pregnant bitch, veterinarian services during childbirth, caring for and maintaining the entire family for the next two months. From three weeks of age, puppies are fed not only with milk, but also with complementary foods, for which only high-quality products are used: steamed veal, the freshest fermented milk products, special high-quality food for puppies, vitamins. Include in the cost and price of compulsory deworming, marking of droppings, paperwork. Now you understand that the high cost of the puppy is quite justified, but keep in mind that you will have to spend a lot of money on its worthy maintenance, so assess your financial capabilities realistically.
