What Are Premium Dog Foods?

What Are Premium Dog Foods?
What Are Premium Dog Foods?

When starting a dog in the house, the owners are increasingly unable to decide: give preference to special food for animals or feed their pet with ordinary food from the table, and if you choose dog food, then which one should choose your own, because with an abundance of different types of food, developed specifically for animals, it is not easy to decide.

What are premium dog foods?
What are premium dog foods?

How to feed your dog?

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Animal feed began to be produced relatively recently, in the last century. Before his appearance, the dog usually ate leftovers from the table of its owners, which did not have the most positive effect on its health and, as a result, life expectancy.

Many dog owners choose to feed their pets with natural foods such as meat, broths, vegetables, grains and bones. However, this nutrition system has many opponents among veterinarians, since, according to experts, it is very difficult to find the necessary combination of nutrients.

The basic rule that canine nutrition must comply with is balance. And most manufacturers of dry and wet dog food make sure that their product meets all the requirements.

What kinds of dog food are there?

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In veterinary stores you can find dry and wet dog food of economy class, commercial class, premium class and super-premium class. As it is not difficult to guess, based on this classification, premium and super-premium feeds are of the highest quality, and the simplest are economy-class feeds, which accordingly affects the cost of the product.

Economy and commercial class dog food

The name of economy class pet food is known to every person, even if he is not the owner of a pet. Typically, these foods are widely advertised on television and are available in almost all stores and supermarkets. A distinctive feature of these feeds is their low cost, which is due to the high content of vegetable proteins and proteins made from soybeans. Such food will not be complete and balanced, and the content of flavors and colors in the feed can adversely affect its health.

Commercial-grade feeds practically do not differ in composition from economy-class feeds, however, they cost a little more due to the widely advertised brand name. In most cases, commercial feed is produced by large corporations that own several well-known brands.

Do not think that commercial grade food will be more beneficial to your pet due to the high cost. The final price includes advertising costs, bright packaging, and flavor-enhancing food chemicals.

Premium and super premium dog food

Premium and super premium dog food, otherwise called elite food, is made from high quality products. They contain a high percentage of animal proteins, a small amount of plant components. This food is enriched with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals to keep your dog healthy, beautiful and cheerful.

These foods are usually only available at specialized pet stores. Their cost is much higher than the advertised animal feed. This is due to the cost of the ingredients that make up the food. This feed is usually based on beef or chicken. In addition, premium and super premium feed manufacturers own their own research laboratories, which gives them the opportunity to test their products for the best results.
