Elephants are amazingly beautiful, powerful and majestic animals. One look at a large figure inspires respect and makes everything inside flutter. It seems that such a huge animal is neutral to everything, and nothing can please him. But this opinion is wrong: there are several things that elephants really like.

Elephant hobbies

There are two populations of elephants in the world. One lives in Asia (the so-called Indian elephants), others are representatives of the African group. The difference between them will be noticed only by a specialist or a person who has carefully studied the features and differences of these animals. For the bulk of people, both African and Indian elephants look "on the same face".
Despite their different homelands, both types of elephants have similar predilections. The main hobby of these huge gray animals is water procedures. All giants, young and old, love to spend time in the water and water themselves with the trunk. In some tourist areas there is even a special water activity called “bathing with elephants”.
Another passion of elephants is food. The animal eats almost constantly: it can take more than 16 hours a day for a meal. During this time, depending on the age of the individual, from 50 to 150 kilograms of food of plant origin are eaten: hay, grass, leaves of trees and shrubs, etc.
Captive elephants are very fond of all kinds of sweets. The favorites are candy, biscuits and honey. However, such a "diet" can have a bad effect on health, so sweet fruits are given to giants as delicacies.
Research also shows that elephants are very fond of their homeland and companionship. There are frequent cases when individuals taken away from their native places went crazy, quickly grew old and died. People working with such elephants noted that before death the animals often cried and were in an unfavorable mood.
Elephants love to learn new things. They are very sociable, well trained and amaze with their skills. Seeming outwardly very clumsy, the elephant shows real miracles. For example, he easily balances on one paw, catches a small coin with his trunk and even draws pictures.
Adult males also love to masturbate. Whether they get pleasure from this has not yet been established by scientists. However, with the help of the trunk, elephants often perform unambiguous manipulations with their reproductive organs.
In ordinary life, a trained elephant will not allow himself to overthrow a person. If one of the riders begins to slip and fall, the caring "transport" will catch him with his trunk and hoist him back.
What elephants hate

The largest animal on earth turns out to be very easy to scare. Elephants cannot stand pig squeals. Hearing him, the animals literally lose their minds. They turn sharply, throw off the riders and run away.
Elephants do not like those who offend them or their cubs. Possessing an excellent memory, the animal will never forget its enemy. If life brings them together again, the elephant will surely take revenge. But those who treated him well, the largest inhabitant of the planet will never give offense.
They do not like elephants and small rodents. The latter tend to settle under the nails of huge animals and gradually gnaw at the skin that is sensitive in these places. It is very problematic for an elephant to get rid of an impudent inhabitant on its own. Most often, a person comes to the rescue.