Dachshund is one of the most versatile breeds. It is considered a hunting dog, but at the same time it is an excellent companion, protector and watchman. The body of a dachshund, although elongated in length, looks harmonious and balanced, it is mobile and plastic. Dachshund attracts with its independence, combined with boundless love and devotion to its owner, high intelligence and a sense of humor, which, according to fans of this breed, is inherent in them. But the acquisition and maintenance of a tax is quite costly.

Features of breeding dachshunds

If you are also going to buy a tax, of course, you will be interested to know how much this purchase will cost. How many people who want to buy a purebred dog do not even think that often the high price for a puppy barely covers its cost. After all, it is necessary to include, for example, the money paid for the bitch, her maintenance, the course of the necessary vaccinations, participation in exhibitions, as well as the development of the dog's working skills, which are practiced at the baiting stations.
When buying a puppy, ask what kind of litter the bitch has. The most preferred puppies are from the first three litters when their mother is still young and full of vitality.
If the owner of the bitch from whom you want to buy a puppy really cares about her health and about her having high-quality and healthy offspring, he will often not mate her, a maximum of 3-4 times. In addition, the owner pays for mating with a thoroughbred dog, as well as enhanced nutrition during pregnancy, childbirth and feeding. You must understand that the question of saving in this case should not be - this, first of all, will depend on the health of the bitch herself and her puppies, as well as how much they will meet the standards established for this breed.
How much will the dachshund cost

Taking into account all the expenses preceding the moment when you came to buy a tailed friend for yourself, the cost of a purebred dog, healthy, meeting standards, with all the necessary vaccinations and supporting documents, simply cannot cost less than $ 600 or 18-20 thousand rubles. And, please note that this is only the cost of the dog. In the event that its owner wants to include in the price his own labor of raising a bitch and raising puppies before selling, their price can be 25-30 thousand rubles.
Before buying a purebred dachshund puppy, find out as much information as possible about the breeder or kennel, and ask the dog's parents.
You should be critical of offers that seem attractive enough. If the dog is selling for less than the price listed, be sure you are dealing with an unscrupulous breeder who will sell you a dachshund puppy with a high likelihood of genetic and general health problems. In addition, if the price of 20 thousand rubles seems too high to you, you should understand that keeping a purebred dog is also not cheap, monthly it will cost you no less than 1.5-2 thousand rubles.