How Much Is A Husky Puppy

How Much Is A Husky Puppy
How Much Is A Husky Puppy

Siberian Husky owners are currently positioning their offspring as rather expensive puppies. And this is not surprising - the breed is rapidly gaining popularity, but not everyone is suitable. By setting a high cost, breeders strive, firstly, to provide the puppies with good conditions, and secondly, to preserve the breeding fund.

How much is a husky puppy
How much is a husky puppy

What determines the cost of husky puppies

how to choose a husky puppy
how to choose a husky puppy

To buy a Siberian husky, it is not at all necessary to go to Ulan-Ude - today there are specialized nurseries in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in other cities of Russia. The approximate cost of puppies in them remains practically at the same level and depends on a combination of a number of factors:

- exterior, - pedigree, - the number of puppies in the litter, - the level of the parents (their show career and working qualities, as well as the quality of puppies from previous litters), - reputation of a cattery or private breeder,

- assistance to the breeder in the care and education of the pet (the so-called patronage).

As a result, for a Siberian Husky puppy, which has a pedigree of the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF), from parents who have not reached special heights in the ring, but are quite consistent with the standard, you will have to pay from 20 to 40 thousand rubles. The amount will vary due to the above factors. For example, if, as a result of a successful selection, a very promising puppy is unexpectedly born in two fairly average (in terms of show) dogs, its value can increase dramatically.

If the puppy has any defects (cryptorchidism, abnormal coloration of the nose or eyes), its price will be reduced, despite the number of international champions among its ancestors.

However, we must not forget that at the age of 2-3 months it is difficult to predict what kind of dog will become in 1-2 years. Some conclusions can be drawn in advance, but it also happened that the vaunted puppy, unfortunately, did not live up to expectations.

How much does a show class dog cost?

The price of a puppy from eminent parents who have won prestigious titles at Russian, and even more so international show exhibitions, can increase several times. The cost will also increase if the dog was born in a kennel, which had previously been able to raise champions, that is, breeders successfully select parental pairs, taking into account both pedigrees and data of the exterior and working qualities of the husky.

People who want to have a show dog, with which they can go to dog shows in the hope of winning a prize, will have to pay more - the cost of a puppy may increase to 100 thousand rubles. Often this amount includes the so-called right of first choice, when future owners get the opportunity to choose the most promising puppy from the litter. According to experts, the cost of Siberian huskies is practically not affected by eye color or coat color (with the exception of disqualifying defects when the dog cannot participate in exhibitions and breeding).

It must be remembered that the puppy can change over time, and caring for it plays an important role. For no amount of money, no one can guarantee that a world champion will grow out of him.

By purchasing an adult dog, you can already be confident in its exterior, especially if it has successfully taken part in cynological shows. However, in this case, you will have to pay an amount from 100 to 300 thousand rubles, depending on the pedigree and prospects of the animal. Puppies from representatives of the most valuable lines or from imported parents can cost the same amount.

It is worth noting that recently the myth that the Siberian husky is a direct descendant of the wolf has become quite widespread. This legend, which has nothing to do with reality, is trying to support unscrupulous breeders in order to unreasonably raise the price of their puppies.
