One of the most difficult to diagnose diseases in cats is hepatitis. The disease primarily affects the animal's liver. It is possible to determine the presence of hepatitis only on the basis of special tests. However, only a very attentive owner can notice changes in the cat's behavior.

Symptoms of hepatitis in cats
The first symptom of hepatitis is fatigue. The animal refuses food, sleeps a lot, its movements become uncertain and a lack of coordination can be noticed. This weakness is accompanied, as a rule, by nausea and vomiting.
The hallmark of hepatitis is the yellow tint of the mucous membranes. In cats, such changes are sometimes impossible to notice. For example, if the pet has a dark color of the coat or a non-standard shade of the tongue and mouth. There are breeds that are characterized by almost black mucous membranes. It is possible to recognize hepatitis by such a symptom only after a careful and thorough examination of the animal.
Concomitant changes are also signs of hepatitis. The cat develops a cough, wheezing is clearly audible, and the stool may be accompanied by bleeding. If these symptoms are already present, then the hepatitis has developed to a serious stage. The help of a veterinarian is necessary for a pet even in the presence of minor manifestations of health problems.
Hepatitis treatment
Adherence to a strict diet is essential to successfully treating hepatitis in cats. After diagnosing such a disease, the animal is not recommended to be fed for 24 hours. During this period, it is necessary to give the cat as much liquid as possible. Moreover, if the pet refuses water, then it is injected forcibly using a pipette.
After a day of a strict diet, you can gradually resume feeding. Do not immediately offer your pet food that is familiar to him. For several days, broths, light soups and cereals should be present in the diet.
Compliance with the diet is accompanied by the elimination of concomitant diseases. The fact is that often hepatitis is caused by food poisoning or helminths. The cat should be given drugs intended for the treatment of such diseases. In this case, it is better not to engage in self-medication, but to seek help from a veterinarian. If the animal is not completely cured, then hepatitis can become more severe.
Please note that you will need to provide as many nutrients and vitamins as possible to your cat within ten days of your hepatitis symptoms. Vegetables and meat must be present in the diet. If the animal is accustomed to eating only dry food, then it is necessary to start feeding with canned food. At the same time, it is advisable to give preference to special dietary mixtures that will not have a significant burden on the digestive system and the cat's liver.