In almost every family there comes a moment when a new inhabitant appears in the house - a pet. At first, household members surround him with attention, constantly care and monitor him, but this, unfortunately, quickly passes. A kitten or puppy becomes habitual and no longer receives the necessary amount of love and care.

People stopped thinking about the fact that the quality of life of pets depends only on them, so pets do not always feel well and often get sick. Most often, these problems are associated with improper nutrition: dry food is not always useful, but feeding from the table with salted, peppered food is not at all focused on the digestive system of animals.
Due to circumstances, it is not always possible to follow the pet's diet, many do not even make any effort to this. More often than not, the owners will pour the food into a bowl and run away to go about their business. The animal is either malnourished or transmits, often vomiting and other signs of improper regimen. But a person does not pay attention to this and continues his usual feeding, and only when it comes to serious problems, he breaks down and runs with his exhausted pet to the veterinary clinic, not understanding what happened.
The question is: why take things to the extreme?
Attention to your pet is just as important as nutrition. It is imperative to play with him, educate him, praise and blame him! The animal should feel welcome. It is believed that cats, in essence, do not belong to anyone, and dogs, on the contrary, are the most loyal animals; but this should not be the reason for over or under attention. For example, if a cat is constantly chased away, in the future it becomes aggressive and does not recognize anyone as its owner. There is no need to be surprised afterwards. The animal is simply not used to the attention from the household. Another example, when there is too much attention, the animal becomes finicky.

Before accepting a pet into your home, you should weigh all the pros and cons: is it possible to combine work or study with proper care for the animal, and if not, is it worth taking responsibility that you cannot realize and bear?