It is difficult for a modern person to imagine what a domestic and tame animal, like a cat, was once wild and predatory. However, the fact remains. In time immemorial, cats, like dogs, were not domesticated and led an isolated lifestyle in the wild. But later, with the division of human labor, it became necessary to tame these animals.

The evolution of man took place gradually, but along with people, wild animals also underwent changes. More than 10 thousand years ago, cats literally walked by themselves, independently obtaining food for themselves. However, with the emergence and development of ancient agriculture, there have been changes not only in the habitual way of life of man, but also of animals.
Egyptian gods and cats

So, it is believed that the first domestic cats appeared about 10 thousand years ago in Ancient Egypt with the transition of humans to a sedentary lifestyle. People began to build the first settlements and dwellings. In this regard, there is a need for the construction of storage facilities for food, in particular, barns for cereals and grain. The development of agriculture has led to an increase in cereal yields. Small rodents, mice and rats began to breed in the barns, which caused great harm to grain reserves.
The ancient Egyptians observed that rodents were afraid of wild cats. This prompted them to lure cats to barns, since these animals did not feed on grain. As a result, cats began to trap and destroy mice and rats in barns, saving the Egyptians' crops. In gratitude, the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt began to feed the cats, taming and domesticating them thereby.
The image of cats was carved on cave paintings in caves, they were trained and taken with them on the hunt.
For such a blessing, the Egyptians elevated cats to the rank of sacred animals, in every possible way condoning their reproduction. These animals even began to be protected by law. It was forbidden to kill cats and was punished with the most terrible punishment.
From wilderness to home

Later, cats were allowed into the house, and they fully acquired the status of pets. In Asian countries, these animals were revered no less due to their ability to protect food supplies from being eaten by rodents.
In England, these animals became pets, after Foggy Albion, the passion for cats overtook both France and Italy. In each country they tried to breed their own breed, and at different times different species were valued. So, in the 16th century, smooth-haired cats were popular, which was simply explained: Europe languished from the heat for almost 8 years in a row, allergies to dust, fluff and animal hair befell almost everyone. In the 18th century, on the contrary, the fashion came for fluffy Persians and small furry individuals, who often accompanied the ladies at balls and receptions.
In China, for many centuries, the purity of the breeds was kept. For some time, crossing different cats was prohibited by an imperial decree.
In Asia and Europe, domestic cats imported from Egypt began to interbreed with their local relatives, which led to the emergence of their new breeds. Now scientists have about 200 species of domestic cats around the world.