Outwardly, the aquarium pangasius looks like a shark, so this fish is very popular among aquarists. Her head is slightly flattened, a large mouth with two long mustaches, slightly bulging eyes. The aquarium shark is suitable for all those who prefer to inhabit the aquarium with mobile inhabitants.

How to contain
A regular, closed aquarium will suffice. Its volume should be approximately 350 liters. Take large rocks for the bottom. You can add a few snags to the aquarium, plant plants (their roots must be securely fixed in the ground).
The pangasius aquarium fish is classified as a thermophilic species; the water temperature should not be allowed to drop below 23 degrees! It should be 24-28 degrees - this is the ideal water temperature for pangasius. Fish will grow quickly if you monitor the water and change it in time.
The aquarium pangasius is quite sensitive to water quality. Neutral water with constant filtration and aeration is suitable. It is advisable to arrange a small current in the aquarium - the pets will be happy.
By the way, the pangasius aquarium fish is very shy, it can panic with a little shading or a glint of light. In addition, this is a schooling type of fish, it will be calmer with relatives. So put three to four in the aquarium.
Fish are not picky about food, but they can be called gluttonous. Granulated ready-to-eat food, small live fish, bloodworms with shrimp are suitable for keeping pangasius. This type of fish can be kept with calm fish (labeo, armored pikes, bream barbs, shark balu). You can settle cichlids or tiger bass with the aquarium pangasius - they will definitely get along together.