How To Populate An Aquarium

How To Populate An Aquarium
How To Populate An Aquarium

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Buying an aquarium and populating it with aquatic inhabitants is a serious step. This piece of furniture requires a very reverent care. And if you are ready to devote your time to caring for aquarium fish, first learn how to equip and populate an aquarium.


Step 1

Decide for yourself which fish you would like to breed. The fact is that the volume of your aquarium depends on the number and size of fish.

Step 2

Their future life depends on how correctly you choose the fish for the aquarium. The fact is that some fish cannot stand being close to each other, so when choosing "inhabitants" for your aquarium, be sure to consult an experienced aquarist.

Step 3

If you are an inexperienced aquarist, then it is better not to start breeding fish with exotic breeds, as such fish usually require special conditions of keeping. Therefore, it is better to acquire first such fish that do not require careful care, for example, get swordsmen, guppies, platies and similar fish.

Step 4

When populating an aquarium, you can use not only fish, but also snails, as well as aquarium frogs. By the way, both frogs and snails get along well with fish.

Step 5

Select fish for the aquarium so that the volume of the aquarium matches its population. For example, if your aquarium has a volume of 10 liters, then such an aquarium is suitable for keeping three fish, since the generally accepted water norm among aquarists for one medium-sized fish is three liters of water. Some fish live only in schools, so take this factor into account when settling an aquarium. And everyone's favorite goldfish, for example, love space, so the aquarium for them should be as large as possible.

Step 6

Populate the aquarium with only young fish, complete and healthy. When buying fish in a pet store, be sure to inspect them, mark if everything is in order with their color, if there is any damage to the body.

Step 7

Try to make your aquarium not only populated but also aesthetically pleasing. To do this, be sure to plant different types of algae in the ground, and also purchase all kinds of grottoes and castles made of ceramics. In such artificially created shelters, catfish huddle wonderfully, watching which is a special pleasure. Give your aquarium maximum attention when settling in, and it will delight you with its beauty for many years, of course, provided it is properly maintained.
