Have you purchased an aquarium and are in a hurry to choose fish for it? However, before you inhabit the underwater world, provide future residents with everything they need. Make a list of what you need to buy and head to the big pet store, where they can help you set up your aquarium exactly according to your wishes.

A home aquarium can be freshwater or marine, landscape or recreational, very large and very compact. The filling of the future home reservoir and the choice of its inhabitants depend on the general idea. For beginners, it is easier to start with a freshwater landscape aquarium with several ornamental fish species. Most conveniently, rectangular shapes installed on a special pedestal. They are stable and spacious enough.

An artificial reservoir needs a water filtration and aeration system. The compressor power depends on the volume of the aquarium and the number of inhabitants. A consultant in a specialized pet store can help with the choice of a specific model - he will select the best option for each specific aquarium. There are also models with a built-in life support system.

The next important point is the acquisition of soil and plants. They can be natural or artificial. Live algae overeat by fish and quickly lose their decorative effect. In addition, they decompose and spoil the water. Having chosen live plants, be prepared to monitor their condition, and if necessary, replant or replace. The artificial flora looks natural, beautiful and safe for fish. From time to time, it will have to be cleaned of debris and deposits - this is where all the troubles with plastic algae end.

Not a single aquarium is complete without decorative elements - caves, grottoes, picturesque ruins. They serve as natural hiding places for fish and bring life to the underwater landscape. Do not buy everything you like - choose castles, figurines and shells that match the general idea of / u200b / u200bthe design and leave enough space for the fish. Before buying, study the future decorations - they must be non-toxic, not have too narrow gaps where the inhabitants of the aquarium can get in and sharp elements that they can get hurt on.
Buy wholesome snail companions that naturally keep your tank clean. They will clean glass, plants and soil from plaque, remove traces of fish activity and the remnants of their food. In addition, these creatures look very cute. If you purchased live plants, check to see if the snails of your choice eat them.
Get an arsenal of small items to maintain your aquarium. You will need rubber hoses for changing the water, a glass tube for removing debris from the bottom, a glass scraper, nets for catching fish, and tanks for transferring fish. Do not forget about food for future inhabitants. The most practical way is to purchase a ready-made fortified universal mixture - it is suitable for most breeds.
And finally, the most interesting thing is the choice of fish. Do not buy up all the specimens you like - the number of future residents depends on the volume of the aquarium. Please note that some breeds are incompatible with each other. Before going to the store, study the specialized literature, make an approximate list of future tenants, and in the pet store, make adjustments to it with the help of a sales assistant.