Aquarium Fish: Species Compatibility

Aquarium Fish: Species Compatibility
Aquarium Fish: Species Compatibility

The maintenance and breeding of aquarium fish has its own special subtleties and nuances. Everyone who is going to get themselves new "pets" - aquarium fish should know this. Knowledge of what ornamental fish eat will not be enough. A huge role in the content of these creatures is played by the compatibility of their species.

Aquarium fish compatibility is not easy
Aquarium fish compatibility is not easy

Compatibility of aquarium fish according to their habitat

This is perhaps one of the most important aspects of keeping your fish healthy and healthy at home. It is important to know that not all fish can exist only in brackish or only fresh water, but most of them still prefer fresh water: goldfish, guppies, cockerels, pink zebrafish, etc. By the way, this should also include a certain temperature regime, which is optimal for certain fish.

Temperament compatibility of aquarium fish

This is another important criterion for a friendly neighborhood. In no case should you keep brawlers and peaceful fish in the same aquarium. Otherwise, the former will simply destroy the latter. For example, Siamese fighting fish (or cockerels) are naturally brawlers. If they start fierce battles among themselves, then there can be no question of their proximity to calm species of fish! It is curious that it is not even recommended to keep two male cockerels in the same aquarium, since one of them will surely die in a fierce fight.

Aquarium Fish Compatibility: Predators are a threat to peaceful fish

Predatory fish are not peaceful neighbors! The fact is that these species prefer to eat live food, so they can easily attack those fish that eat dried insect larvae, plankton, etc. The only case when predatory fish do not attack peaceful ones is the large size of the latter. But as soon as the predator grows in size himself, he will immediately prefer to feast on his peaceful neighbors. In this case, you need to either divide the aquarium with opaque glass, or place the fish in separate containers.

Compatibility of aquarium fish by their size

It is not recommended to place small and large fish species in the same aquarium. In this case, the fish will begin to experience significant discomfort. In addition, the difference in their size will constantly affect the amount of food eaten by certain types of fish: small inhabitants of the aquarium will always get only crumbs, while large species of fish will eat large tidbits. This rule should be adhered to when there is a need to breed fish of the same species: it is necessary, if possible, to keep together only individuals of approximately the same age and size.

Experienced aquarists note that it is best to breed small and schooling fish. The fact is that these fish are unpretentious, very beautiful, and also affordable. They do not require much effort and expense in their care. The most striking among them are the following fish: guppies, barbs, striped zebrafish, picilia, swordtails, mollies. However, even here there is a rule: fry should be kept separate from the adult generation. They should be released into the aquarium for adults when they grow up.
