Preparing The Aquarium For Filling With Water

Preparing The Aquarium For Filling With Water
Preparing The Aquarium For Filling With Water

If you decide to get some fish, you first need to buy an aquarium and other accessories. Then fill it with water. In this case, it is necessary to perform some actions so that the aquatic environment is suitable and comfortable for its future inhabitants.

Preparing the aquarium for filling with water
Preparing the aquarium for filling with water

Preparing the aquarium for the first water filling

Rinse your new tank thoroughly with baking soda or laundry soap. If putty was used in the manufacture of the aquarium, remove its excess, fill the container with water and leave it for several days. Repeat this procedure a couple of times to remove the paint smell from the aquarium.

After about 10 days, discard the water and continue preparing the fish tank. Do not fill a new aquarium completely with water the first time: glass may break. Therefore, first fill only half of it, add water after a few days so that about 5 cm of the top of the aquarium remains free. To prevent the soil from rising from the bottom when water is finally poured into the container, use a hose.

If you do not have a special hose for filling the aquarium with water, use a regular plate. Place it at the bottom of the aquarium and pour water in small portions directly into the center of the plate. Thus, the soil from the bottom of the aquarium will not rise.

What water is needed for an aquarium

If your home has clean, bleach-free, and rust-free water from your faucet, use it for your aquarium. Use only cold water, because hot water contains chlorine. Do not pour tap water directly into the aquarium. The water should settle for several days.

Pour tap water into a container, put it in a warm place and wait two days. During the settling period, harmful impurities will evaporate from the water. At the same time, the temperature of the liquid will reach room temperature. Now it can be used both in a new aquarium and to refill an existing aquarium.

If there is no time to settle the water, you can use another method: heat it to a temperature of 70-80 degrees, then cool it. Do not use boiled water for fish, because the hardness in it changes dramatically, and this is not desirable for an aquarium.

If there is no tap water is very hard, you can also use water from a reservoir: a river, a pond, a lake. But before using such water for aquarium fish, it must be warmed up to 90 degrees in order to get rid of various parasites.

Pet stores sell aquarium water and special water additives to improve the quality of the water.

For the normal functioning of living organisms, there must be a lot of oxygen in the aquarium water. Grow plants in your tank because they are the main source of oxygenation in your water.
