The character of the dachshund is quite balanced. This is a good friend, companion, sensitive to the mood of the owner. The dog is well-mannered and clean, selfish within reason.

Dachshund - a sausage dog, a bench dog, a dog sold by the yard, etc. Dachshund is one of the first hunting dogs - human helpers. Her ancestors were short German hound marriages, from which the dachshund inherited the ability to pursue prey with a voice, moderate anger, hunting passion and extraordinary flair. And what is the character of the dachshund?
Cunning and psychotherapist
Dachshund is brave and active, fearless and reckless. She has amazing facial expressions and amazing eyes. From her fox's face, it is easy to guess what interested her at the moment, whether she is plotting some trick or has already done something. With a mournful look, he will look the owner in the eyes and wait for the verdict. At the same time, he very quickly recognizes whether the degree of resentment of the bipedal friend is great. Often punishing a dachshund, you need to be prepared for her displeasure and even revenge.
A distinctive feature of this breed is the ability to instantly navigate and switch. Here she was just playing lively with the child, and a minute later she decorously accompanies the owner on a walk, instantly adjusting to his mood and even copying the step. Dachshund is an intellectual brought up by nature. Very clean. Dirty coat is nonsense for this breed. Curious, cunning and reasonably selfish. Appreciates comfort, affection and warmth.
Hearing and flair
The dachshund is distinguished by extreme sensitivity, which allows her to warn her family about the barely noticeable and slightest rustle, especially unusual. In case of danger, the dog is filled with barking, bristling hair on its back, and will not calm down until the owner rushes to help or the situation "settles" itself. When a stranger appears in the house, she will be on the alert, showing with all her appearance that she is on the alert. But as soon as he realizes that the guest is welcome, he will quickly change aggression to sympathy and demonstrate this by wagging his tail. The dachshund has an extremely keen hearing: she can find out about the appearance of an uninvited guest long before his appearance and notify about it by grumbling and barking.
Sometimes they speak badly about this breed, claiming that the dachshund is naughty. But this is not the case. Bred for hunting, the dog is accustomed to making decisions on its own, thanks to which its independent character has been formed. She has a good ability to obey and quickly learns obedience, which she then demonstrates in practice. An excellent friend, companion, beautiful and clever sausage dog is able to forever win the heart of its owner and settle in it as a cozy ring.