For more than a dozen years, British cats have been leaders in the number of people who want to keep them and even breed them. Fans of this breed are sure that the secret of such popularity is not only in the beautiful printed coat and strong physique. Many people are satisfied with the very calm nature of the British and their independence.

Recently widespread British cats are ideal for busy people who cannot spend much time at home. Left alone, cats usually find something to do, without resorting to damage to furniture, with the exception of very young kittens. Of course, they can be affectionate, but they prefer to lie nearby, and not on the lap of the owner, they like to play, but you cannot call them hyperactive.
The British cat breed appeared thanks to painstaking selection of members of the English Club of Cat Fanciers in 1898. For this, ordinary short-haired cats were crossed with cats of the Persian breed.
British cats are easily recognizable for their dense, rounded build. As a rule, these are large or medium-sized cats with plump low legs. They have round, wide muzzles, generally reminiscent of kinship with the Persians: large eyes, a short but straight nose, unlike their eastern ancestors, and small rounded ears. Most common among British cats is a solid blue-gray color with bright orange eyes, but this is far from the only color option.
Independent and unobtrusive

One of the main positive features of the breed is considered independence, thanks to which animals can spend a long time alone in the absence of owners. At the same time, they turn out to be quite affectionate and gentle if you stroke them, but they are never intrusive. True English calmness does not allow British cats to spread their claws if they are not inclined to caress right now. Allowing a person to show their feelings, they retire with dignity.
British cats are similar to their fellow countrymen - English Bulldogs, have the same Nordic character and flew - slightly drooping upper lips.
The British treat guests with distrust and apprehension, preferring to keep a respectful distance. However, at the same time, they do not show obvious aggression: they do not hiss, do not scratch, they just watch from the side. It is believed that British cats get along easily with other pets, showing them an example of good behavior, because they do not bully. Although, if desired, they like to actively play tag with their toys.
Beautiful stubborn

But the independence of these animals has another side of the coin. For example, they are quite capricious, it is almost impossible to force them to do anything without their consent: eat a vitamin, comb their hair or take a dip. Many breeders advise, even in childhood, to prevent possible problems by accustoming their pet to certain procedures.
If we add to the listed qualities of the character of the British that they do not cause much trouble in the content, we can understand the secret of their popularity in our century.