It is no coincidence that the British cat is perceived by many as ideal. She looks solid, seems extremely noble and even a little prim. She has incredibly intelligent eyes and a very special personality.

British cat
The British are created to create coziness. Even without human reminders, with all their appearance, they demonstrate their own significance and consistency. They, by birthright, demand respect and reverence for themselves.
The true Briton is characterized by inner strength, endurance and aristocracy. Only, please, do not take him out of the house, since he does not know how to fight other cats at all. His ancestors did not teach this business, so it is not worth starting.
On the other hand, British cats are peaceful, have excellent contact with people, moderately playful and affectionate. They are ready to follow their beloved hosts from room to room, and as soon as they sit down, they will immediately ask permission to settle down next to them.
It should be noted that even in the most ordinary affairs, the British show their character: if a Briton decided to lie down on the sofa, he would always settle in the middle. If he sits down, then with an inexpressible sense of his own dignity and pride.
Thanks to their docile nature, the British not only get along well with all family members, but get along quite well with children. But getting a Briton as a soft children's toy is still not worth it. These cats do not tolerate familiarity and may well respond sharply and unexpectedly.
Features of British cats
An excellent indicator of a Briton's mood and well-being is grooming. If the cat is good and comfortable, then she will regularly monitor the coat and its cleanliness. That is, it will lick after sleeping, feeding, playing or communicating with people and other animals. Too frequent licking or, on the contrary, complete indifference to the state of the coat speaks of the extremely poor physical and mental state of the animal.
Shorthaired Britons are by nature moderately active. Only up to a year they play continuously and are interested in absolutely everything, then the activity gradually decreases. And by the age of four, the British cat turns into a charming semblance of a sofa cushion, only occasionally agreeing to play, because play is vital for any animal, and therefore cats use every opportunity for this. The inventiveness and agility of cats is fully manifested in the game. It is impossible not to admire their precise, honed movements, their gracefulness. Behavioral reactions of a playing cat reproduce real life situations with absolute certainty. That is, a cat hunts for a ball in the same way as a mouse. There is one peculiarity though. The cat in the game almost completely controls its emotions, that is, even when it is captured or struck, it does not release its claws.