How To Determine The Character Of A Cat By Color

How To Determine The Character Of A Cat By Color
How To Determine The Character Of A Cat By Color

According to research by scientists from Germany, cats can be conditionally divided into several types with their inherent character traits. Knowing them, you can predict how your kitten will grow up, how much it suits you and your family members in character.

How to determine the character of a cat by color
How to determine the character of a cat by color

The nature of cats by color

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Kittens of black color are distinguished by an agreeable and gentle character. They are obedient and sensitive, perfectly feel the mood of people, love affection. The black kitten will be very happy to communicate with you. If you reciprocate, he will love you and become attached to you. In addition, black kittens get along quite easily with children. The most obedient and docile are black cats. But cats of this color are more capricious, although there are exceptions.

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Black cats are also more sensitive to your handling. If you are strict, the kitten will become nervous, withdrawn into itself, fearing to do something wrong, which will cause you displeasure. Therefore, try to show condescension to the pranks of a black kitten, show tenderness and affection to him.

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As for gray and striped cats, they do not have such a docile and accommodating and docile character. Kittens with this color are often distinguished by quarrelsomeness, secretive and withdrawn character.

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If you decide to have a gray kitten, do not be surprised that he will avoid your company and, possibly, communication with you. These kittens value their freedom and independence. Gray cats are more suitable for people who are very busy at work and cannot spend a lot of time with their pet. With this combination, there will be complete harmony in your relationship with the cat.

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According to research by German scientists, the smartest and most cunning kittens are red. Most often, cats of this color are chosen for training. Ginger kittens can be distinguished by obedience, sometimes bordering on sycophancy.

However, be on the lookout, usually this is just a cunning plan of such a kitten in the event that he wants to get something from you or feels guilty. Therefore, if your pet gently rubs against your legs, obeys you implicitly, check if there is a puddle in the corridor or if the cat bowl is empty for food. In addition, ginger kittens can perfectly sense your mood. If you are sad, they will try to cheer you up.

White cats can be overly touchy. In addition, they are believed to be susceptible to disease - for example, these cats often have hearing problems. These kittens can be naughty and offended like little children. However, white cats are very affectionate towards their owner.

The nature of multi-colored kittens can be determined by the predominant color in their coloration. At the same time, it is believed that 2-colored kittens like to have fun and play more, and 3-colored kittens are loving and agreeable.

Should you choose a cat by its color?

In the old days, people often chose cats precisely by color, since it was believed that a certain color "comes to the house." For example, in one family a black cat will get along well, but a red-haired cat will be uncomfortable in this house. And there is some truth in this - sometimes cats, for various reasons, do not take root with their owners, get sick or run away.

Nevertheless, the character of a cat largely depends on the attitude towards her, and therefore love your pets and never offend them. Then they will answer you with love and devotion.
